Blog Elevated 2016


and another one!  this is my 3rd year attending the Blog Elevated conference.img_20161021_180441friday afternoon i cooked up and prepped a whole bunch of food & snacks for my boys to get them through the weekend.  Sonny has been on a mission since july this year to lose 30 lbs or so before baby #3 arrives. because of meal prep and 6 Pack USA, he made eeeeeeet!  achilles tendon issues and all.  so proud of him.

img_70571-01my girl Ogechi & i usually attend the conference and enjoy a relaxing weekend together but she was unable to attend this year *insert gigantic sad face*.  however, my prenatal fitness client, friend, belly buddy, and fellow mommy blogger, Marissa, was available and made the drive!  i enjoyed hanging out and learning alongside her all weekend; check out her adorable, family, blog and try out her delish recipes while you're there! 20161022_093459-01day 1! the conference was held in the newly remodeled South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center in League City, Texas.  

img_20161022_112648i was crazy excited and honored to be a fitness ambassador for BE this year! i brought some fresh fruit to snack on throughout the day but y'all know i ate that soon as i got there, lol. lunch time finally rolled around though and roast beef sammiches were on the menu. 20161022_121717-01unfortunately, brie is not a pregnancy friendly food, but i was so hungry i dismantled that bad boy and ate the protein and that pickle.20161022_132512-01Marissa headed out to find other options and did just that; isn't it pretty!?  i told her i'd take an order of whatever she got; this grilled chicken cobb salad hit THE spot.  20161022_133728-01right back to it after lunch.20161022_120012-01in between sessions there was "study hall".' it was a chance for us to go over the info we just learned and to take advantage of speaking with some of the BE mentors (other bloggers skilled in a particular area like Twitter or YouTube, etc.).  i have been trying to remain consistent and spice up my YouTube vids for forever!! so, i hunted down Roccibel Volpicella to get some tips.  her primary language is Spanish, so there was a translator present to help us communicate. she doesn't have a blog but has become insanely popular just from her YouTube makeup tutorials!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       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session.  each of these ladies (l to r: Meg Owens, Elly Brown, Brittany Ashmore, Jaclyn Kent) gave their own unique tips and pointers for growing their Insta audiences.  they mentioned using some of the photo apps i am already use and love like Snapped, A Color Story, and VSCO. 14681833_10154650467629136_9126123378950797668_nday 2! it's time to move! 20161023_072713-01Kroger sponsored a 7am Zumba class and the turnout was friggin' awesome!  look at all these girls (and 3 guys including our instructor) gettin' their early morning cardio ON!20161023_072257-01my fave way to start the day.20161023_072320-0120161023_081705-01i even won a raffle prize, wuuuut!? yeah, those chocolate almonds came in handy later in the day during sessions. 

some of the breakout sessions were held at the same time, so Marissa and i split up and swapped notes afterwards #teamwork.

we learned about getting the most out of our email lists, tracking our blog analytics, and i especially enjoyed the photography session by Rachel Matthews!  she provided plenty of tips for sprucing up our camera taking skills. 

20161023_123702-01lunch tiiiime! we dined on grilled chicken topped with pears, wild rice, and veggies while a News Republic rep spoke to us about using multiple revenue sources effectively.20161023_155810-01couldn't agree more.

 thanks for another fun, info-packed weekend, Lisa and Bobbie!

i tweeted a couple of my takeaways:



20161027_145734 20161027_145759

i hope they resonate with you too. thanks for reading!

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !





34 Week Checkup


20161019_121127-01i had every intention to get dolled up for today's appointment buuuut i ended up following Dego's lead.  we just want to be comfy.  lol.  we did wear pants though.  seriously, i plan to put more effort into my appearance these last few visits cause it makes me feel darn good when i take the time to do so.  i don't shy away from posting on social when i look a hot mess either though...i'm not ashamed of my reality on the other 5-6 days of the week.  i use the #RealityIG hashtag often cause perfection is not inspiring to me, authenticity is!20161019_124904-01 it's weekly appointment visits from here on out yall.  already!  (i say already like the time has been flying by this trimester, ha).   now is also around the time i get the, "your baby is gonna be so tiny!!" comments the most.  brang'em on!  i know most women mean well (although some directly imply that something is very wrong with me or baby :- | ) , so i always give them the benefit of the doubt.  i'm measuring 35 cms for week 34 according to my OB so all is well, praise be to God.  sometimes people either forget or can't tell from my pics that i'm 5' 10'', but height is only one of the maaaany factors that contribute to bump size. that's a whole nother blog post tho!  the night before my appointment i could totally feel something happening and i got super uncomfy again right before bed... this baby has flipped into a horizontal position again.  the nerve!! we've still got time to get it together though.  my last ultrasound happens on my next visit; can't wait. 

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

Dego and i were pleasantly surprised during my visit; my Instagram Husband walked right through the door, smiling!   so naturally i put him to work, duuuuuh. img_20161019_140953now i'm gonna go do all the stuff i told my OB i haven't done yet when she asked. you know, re-registering for the hospital, packing my overnight bag, taking maternity pics, dusting off the newborn car seat, naming the baby, etc. mhmm. k. bye. 

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !




*YouTube Vid Inside* 31 week Bumpdate


holy guacamole. do we really have less than 9 weeks before meeting baby Egwuatu #3!?



after the 1st tri time sped up and hasn't stopped since.  i am scrambling trying to make sure i finish a couple of projects i'm working on, get my maternity shoots scheduled and done and keeping up with this blog, *taps mic* hello!!! #Ooowee

anyway, check out my 31 week YouTube bumpdate that i filmed this morning after i taught my HIIT class:

  • pregnancy pap smear experience
  • an abnormal test result
  • 3D ultrasound fun
  • baby name possibilities

all under 10 min! press play ;)

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !



wait, i've known you for how long!? + 29 weeks


say hello to our little 29 week acorn squash-sized baby! i seriously wish i had done this week by week with the boys. heck, i'm in the grocery store often enough to make it happen.  they both now know what the heck acorn squash even is plus i love having hands-on fun with learning when food is involved. who doesn't!? 20160911_193400_001-01so guess what else went down during my 29th week of pregnancy!?  Mr. Egwuatu and i celebrated 9 years of marriage together!  meeting him on campus at UH back in 2000 happened yesterday.  yall hear me? yesterday *sobs uncontrollably* :( anyway,  around this time last year we were in Maui frolicking on the beach, but this year we stayed local for a change.  not only cause of the current zika threat, but cause of other current financial obligations, a new full-time kindergartener, and because Lord willing, we plan to do it BIG next year for #10 (and take that family Disney vaca before Dego turns 3...CAN NOT WAIT).  it's saving season for us.  so, we found some local things to do and enjoyed our special day together, just the two of us.

20160915_045059-01we <gasp> started with a 530am workout, whoop!  Sonny joined the #5amWorkoutClub for a day and was front and center for my Barbell Strength class.  he is clearly not one of us, haha. 

20160915_055341-01(he was really just taking a quick breather)

facetune-20160925-1515312362"A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year."

can't argue with that. season after season, we come out stronger, wiser, and closer....only by the grace of God. 

happy number 9,  Milk Dud Sonny.  <3

20160915_083536-01 we took our time, laughed, joked, and enjoyed our lifting session together.  no rush whatsoever.  usually our boys are in the child center so we have to get it in before the time limit is up and the staff comes to hunt us down!  this was needed.

20160915_101314-01and so was this!  Sonny found the cutest, yummiest little cafe for our post-workout breakfast.  

then we went home to.....REST! oh and clean up our house before hurricanes Chiso & Dego returned.


matchy, matchy!  we dined at Caracol for our anniversary dinner.  i have been wanting to try this place since my birthday this past April!  i was looking for a nice restaurant back then and one of my Lifetime Fitness class members suggested we go there.  weeell, Sonny had already made plans so this occasion was perfect for checking it out.  our taste buds were in HEAVEN! YUM!  


  • i started with an unpictured salad (Lechugita Orejona)
  • we split the Taquitos Tronadores de Carnitas (top left)
  • Sonny ordered the biggest hunk of protein on the menu per our waiter (Bistec con Moras)
  • i finally stepped outside of my box and ordered the scrumptious  Callo de Hacha (bottom left)
  • we split the Piña Rostizada (and coulda used 2 more scoops of ice cream!)

20160915_212202-1then, it was on to sing and rap our faces off with P. Diddy at his Bad Boy Reunion Tour Concert!!! we don't do concerts fact this was our very first one together! pregnancy narceolpsey didn't take me out and we were literally up and on our feet for most of the performances reminiscing and jamming.  great show!

remember this lil' lady!? photogrid_1475369014299 she was born on our anniversary last year and we met her via Skype while in Maui.  we are another year older and she is now one.  happiest of birthdays, baby Natalie!

basically, September 15th ROCKS ;)

thanks for reading!

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !




3 Before You Shop Back-To-School Tips with Dick's Sporting Goods + 5 Giftcard Giveaway


 this post is sponsored by Dick's Sporting Goods® and VocalPoint.  all opinions and photos are my own!

welp, we made it through the very first week of school, y'all!  hoping and praying that us newbies, veterans-- everyone has a fantastic school year.  my Kindergartener was crazy excited and prepared for his very first day and beyond, thanks to Dick's Sporting Goods®!DSC_0921-01this Fall 2016, six locations will open up in/around the Houston area:

Baybrook Mall

Deerbrook Mall

First Colony Mall

The Woodlands Mall

Willowbrook Mall

we stopped by one of the largest locations to come above, The Shoppes at ParkWest (across I10 from Katy Mills Mall) for a quick pic, and we can't wait to actually go inside soon!Processed with VSCOuntil then, online back-to-school shopping it was.  less stress for me = no gas used, no getting in and out of the Texas heat, and no lines to stand in with 2 rambunctious boys and a baby bump. Processed with VSCObesides, what kid doesn't love to receive packages in the mail and tear open their 'gifts'!? everything was for Chiso's big Kinder debut, but of course we've gotta involve lil' bro.Processed with VSCO he chose a fresh pair of kicks,DSC_0874-01a super-fly book bag, and a lunch box to match. 

3 money-saving before-you-shop tips:

  • shop your child's closet with them and take inventory of what they already have.  i wanted to make our online experience fun and let Chiso pick things he loved, but i made sure he knew we were only purchasing items we truly needed for the new school year.
  • buy with 'hand-me-down' in mind (especially if you have younger siblings of the same gender of course).  i try not to buy super trendy items (ex. t-shirts with current sayings, sneakers with outlandish colors/patterns, etc.) and stick to classic colors and designs for the most part.  i'm not saying i don't ever buy those types of items because that's no fun, but they are rare and usually reserved for special occasions.  i should definitely credit Hubs for that tip, so i will ;) Dego (2) has plenty to mix and match from for a good while!
  • splurge on the high quality, durable items that will be used daily.  else you'll possibly be buying those same items several times a year.  this might be a no brainer, but i think of the things Chiso will be carrying daily (lunch box, back pack) and how often they get thrown around, banged up, and used in general.  i treat those items just like i would my sports bra purchases.  when i buy them cheap, i can't be mad when the support is basically non-existent after a couple uses and washes!  it's something i truly need and use daily, so spending the money on a few quality bras is the best investment.   the same applies here.

20160822_080018-01ready.20160822_080623-01i was too!  #NoTears20160822_080519-01off he went.  1 week down, 17 years left to go, haha.

shop DSG for back-to-school for book bags, lunch boxes, casual to athletic sneakers & clothes and beyond!  i do believe this will help ;)

we are giving away 5, yes, * F I V E * 50.00 Dick's Sporting Goods® gift cards to * F I V E * readers!!


 a Rafflecopter giveaway

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !

