Mama Must Have = DockATot

Mama Must Have = DockATot

we are co-sleepers to the max.  Chiso and Dego both left to their own room shortly after age 2, and Kosi is our current resident.    i have loved having all my babies (safely) next to me while we snooze and as a nursing mom it's been the most convenient setup ever.  it's prolly the only way Sonny and i have gotten as much sleep as we have for the past 6 years, haha.  

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Cajun Shrimp + Veggie Quinoa + Garlic Green Beans MEAL PREP & NEW PAM Cooking Spray Oils

Cajun Shrimp + Veggie Quinoa  + Garlic Green Beans MEAL PREP & NEW PAM Cooking Spray Oils

fyi... if your waiter or waitress tell you that they absolutely love quinoa (pronounced exactly like it sounds) and it's also their favorite dish on the menu you prolly shouldn't take their word for it. #YoureWelcome #TrueStory #InsertNervousLaughter

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