
goin’ on a trip in our little rocket ship!  finally.  it was time to take the family vaca we had all been waiting for.  side-note: how have i been living/traveling without a backpack all this time!?  it’s so my style and frees up both hands. duh. thanks, Marissa  . wanted to be casual and…


Shop this look!

the day we planned to head out, Sonny and i loaded up the truck while the boys slept.  they were under the impression that we were headed to church, just like we do almost every Sunday morning.  once we were all buckled in, we headed in the direction of church but passed it right on up and eventually made our way onto the freeway. we drove for a good hour before they even noticed our new route!!  in their defense, we let them bring their Samsung galaxy tabs so they were pretty distracted.  Chiso is very observant and catches things rather quickly, but this time Sonny had to instruct them to look up and ask if they noticed anything different, haha. 

i made plans to stop by a place i hadn’t visited in over 15 years en route to our destination.  i have seen Monument Hill randomly in my dreams for years now and once there i remembered everything like the back of my hand…. except for how things looked leading up to the park  .  i guess i was always hanging out with my brother in the 2nd row of our astro van and not paying attention to my surroundings until we arrived as a child!  driving there myself (Sonny was napping and still recovering from dental surgery 2 weeks prior) was new for me but nothing GPS couldn’t handle.  


everything looked exactly the same!  such a nostalgic experience and blessing to be there with my own little family. 


k, you guys ready to go do some really fun stuff!?

ok then!

we made eeeeeet!  Kosi did a mighty fine job getting through her first road trip.  to my surprise, she stayed up 90% of the 3 hour journey cooing, screaming, and playing with her brothers.  she finally fell asleep when we were almost to the hotel, naturally.  the boys did alright too; we stopped about 4 times along the way for potty and stretch breaks.

checking in to the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa!  there was a huge bowl of complimentary apples on the counter and Dego immediately asked me for one. this boy loves his apples.  he has eaten 1-2 every day for like the past year.


i can be the most unorganized person ever but these daily itineraries were appreciated.


we might have a budding photographer on our hands!  i’m not complaining; that’ll be one less blogging expense for me, ha.  i’ll pay him in food.

gettin’ dirty at Pat’s Playground on the hotel grounds.

the boys love tennis and badminton and play on the Wii at home all the time. i think they’d agree it’s a lil’ tougher in real life though.

the hotel buffet was incredible; my hangry cell phone picture doesn’t do it a bit of justice.  no idea how many trips i took there and back to my seat but just know i got our money’s worth!  great variety and quality.

i see these shower caps weren’t made with big natural hair in mind!

best way to start my day, even on vaca. especially on vaca! 


 i took the opportunity to give my new Athleta Be Bold Wrap Front bra a try.  if you haven’t taken advantage of their workout guarantee, you totally should.  these crops are my favorite to date; i have them in both dark blue and black.  they are super flattering and the high waist is everything!  try the full exercise circuit i completed here.

Shop the look!


taking in the peaceful scenery on my way back to the room.  i almost rented a bike and rode around the property solo but i knew the kids were up driving Sonny crazy by now. 

yep. good morning, Egwuatu-lings!

Sonny and i have a little friendly wager going on.  i believe Kosi will be walking by 10 months but he doesn’t.

i know my baby! lol


Cat & Jack outfits continue to steal my heart along with this lil’ girl of course!  shopping for Kosi has been dangerously fun.

remind me not to go impulse shopping up in Target the day before we leave though.

breakfast buffet. the fruit was just there for decoration, y’all, trust.  this bacon egg white omelet from the omelette bar was so good i had two in one sitting. every morning.


and plenty of these.

all they kept eating and asking for was bacon!                            


 next we hit the pool for a couple hours of fun in the shade.


found and tagged a similar suit below but i love this breastfeeding-friendly, stylish one piece.


silly goose!

Sonny napped in the room most of this day because of his tooth and we truly missed his presence.  floating on the lazy river looked fun, but we’ll have to try it next year cause i didn’t even want to attempt to try and keep an eye on everybody while solo. time to go check on Papa in the room!

“i want to push her!” “no, i want to push her!”  #workitoutguys

Dego checked out in the middle of dinner on us.  he ‘swam’ his lil’ heart out that day. 

 sonny headed back to the room after dinner with the other two sleepy heads, so Chiso and i went to go have some more fun together.  we roasted marshmallows, made and ate smores, and shared a blanket while viewing Transylvania 2 out on the lawn. loved spending solo time with my big boy.


no more pics of movie night because i didn’t want to annoy everybody with my flash.


back for the breakfast buffet and another full day of activities!

it doesn’t take much to make kids happy.  it’s more about presence and experiences together than presents.  that said, i packed my camera up for the remainder of the trip to just emerse  myself in the moments without trying to always capture perfect shots.  i will forevercherish the vacation memories i have with my parents and older brother and i pray our kiddos do the same.

thanks for the memories, San Antonio & Hyatt Regency Hill Country

Thursday Threads! H&M Neon Orange Sports Tank


H&M has quickly become a new fave of mine for fitness gear!    Processed with VSCOjust like their 'grown up' clothes, i've found several workout items that are unique, great quality, and crazy affordable.  this neon orange tank is one of them! isn't that twist in back the cutest?Facetune-20160318993842181i love how open the tank is!  racerback is my thang, and i appreciate that ventilation while i'm running.Processed with VSCONike pro shorts are never going out of style. the end.Processed with VSCOooooh, just playin' with my bird's nest and pondering my next protective style. Facetune-20160318-619116104don't eeeeeven act like you didn't do this when you were a kid! my brother and i scuffed up all the hallways at my parents house. speaking of scuffs, i have put my Nike flyknits through the RINGER. yall don't hear me! i have washed them so many times because i wear them pretty much daily. i love them and own way too many pairs of Free Runs.  i've included a link to the updated version of my shoes below; i need them!Processed with VSCOlunging into the weekend!

{tank|H&M} {compression shorts|Nike} {sneaks|Nike} (headband|Lululemon} {HR watch|PolarUSA}

everything i'm sporting can be found directly below. happy fri-YAY, fit friends!



happy BUMP day + be grateful


this girl right heeeere!  my client, Sarita, is knocking on that 3rd trimester door HARD, and still putting it down in the gym both with me and on her own.


aaaaaand, she has fully committed to a vegan diet for her last trimester as well.  it can be done and she's doing it!

for fit pregnancy / postpartum training inquires, please email me here:


i opened two gifts this morning. my eyes! by starting each day with a grateful heart you are able to find COUNTLESS blessings from God in this seemingly mundane everyday life.  i look for and find them daily.

headphones: Pink Beats

top: Active Faith

crops: Lululemon

sneaks: Nike Roshe Run High in tarp green (2013) 


i got these sneaks while i was preggo with Dego (20 months) and they are still fierce! a lot of you think the same! they are great for lifting cause they are nice and flat on the bottom and provide great ankle support. 


reason number 444882390029289982 as to why i love group fitness right here.  when my class is in the midst of an exercise and the music is blasting and the endorphins are flowing, i sometimes just stop and look across the room and take it all in. it's one of the best feelings ever. 

20160208_161155-01they just want to move! i am so inspired by this group of educators! we get down in the library every single week. they show up to every session not by force, but because they desire to live and be healthier.  effort is everything.

IMG_20160217_193322bwahahahaha! this tickled me to tears and still does.  when mama forgets to bring her snacks while she's out, mama get's a lil' cranky.

happy hump day, ffs!
