Bodyweight Postpartum Newborn Home Workout


y'all, we have a lil' girl!!!  i'm still not big on pink though and plan to keep the yellow/gray/white color combo going for Kosi's nursery.  speaking of yellow, thanks to my girl Dami for hooking us up with this beautiful Solly Baby Wrap!

  as parents know, newborns change daily.  that's exactly why i'm soaking up these precious moments with each of my babies cause time just continues to fly on by.  things won't always be this way.  people still ask me if i'll return to the IT field (lol) and i still don't know!  God knows i'm right where i desire and need to be right now, though, that's for sure.

only perform this workout if you have been cleared to do so by your doc, mamas!  as of this past friday, Dec. 16th,  i was given the green light to lift again.  however, i'll be on lock down/house arrest for a while cause of breastfeeding (i don't lug my pump around with me if i don't have to) and Kosi can't join me at the gym until she is 3 months old.  soooo, home workouts, GO!  i'll be filming the entire workout soon and posting to my YT channel, but here's a collage/snippet of our very first one together (even though she slept the entire time ;) ).

1st combo: 3 x's through

sumo squats (turn feet and knees out to side) - 25 reps

fast arm circles forward + calve raises - 1 min

knee ups + overhead press  - 1 min

2nd combo: 3x's through

side step squats (R & L) - 12 reps on each side, 24 total

good mornings - 20 reps

outside foot taps (engage your obliques) - 25 reps on ea side

wall pushups - 12 reps

3rd combo: 3 x's through

chair squat - 25 reps

reverse fast arm circles + calve raises - 1 min

side leg lifts - 15 reps 

runners lunges - 12 on ea side

just one round might be enough for you.  listen very carefully to your body and let it guide you!  don't overwhelm yourself and do too much too soon.  most importantly, enjoy this time with your new little one!  

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !







  what can i say... except, bravo, Sprouts Farmer's Market!  immediately after i checked out and was hauling my groceries to my car did i see this entire Pumpkin Spice section at the very front of the store. well played, guys.  it was filled with so many other delectable pumpkin spice flavored goodies but i limited my impulse purchases to these 3:

Pumpkin Spice Black Tea - morning delight!

Maple Pumpkin Buttter - toast, ice cream, savory sammiches, etc, etc, etc!!!

Organic Pumpkin Spice Kale Chips - just curious :)20150929_202755-1

i really did get the necessities first though!  some fresh, bargain produce,


a loaf of honey whole wheat bread, egg whites, whole eggs, fresh chicken tenderloins, Applegate natural chicken hotdogs, and some Daiya dairy-free strawberry cream cheese<---(nope, not on my original list).


i was nursing Dego earlier today and in the middle of doing so he unlatched, looked up at me and said, 'AAAAAHHHHH?' like he had just killed the last sip of soda???? or something!!! the boys do this all the time Sonny, but with cups of juice though, haha! #breastjuice

after he finally went down for his nap, i did a quick afternoon abs routine on Periscope! i am excited to say our home connectivity issues will soon be OVA (*knocks on wood, crosses fingers, toes, and eyes*) cause we are finally switching internet providers!  they are coming and we are waiting.


it's not what it looks like, LMBO, but here's a quickly review on the kale chips just for my IG peeps!  i didn't know what to expect with these.... but what a pleasant surprise. i snacked on them in the car as i headed to pick up Chiso from preschool.


 if you like sweet, SUPER CRUNCHY, light snacks (and all things pumpkin spice of course) then you will dig these! i didn't taste the kale at all, actually.  the entire bag is a lil' over 200 cals.  excuse my post-workout, weight glove-less, man hands. let me know what you think of them! the kale chips, not my hands. 


Dego and i went walking/running with my prenatal client tonight and she surprised me and took off like a lightening bolt!  look at that girl GO!  i was trying to keep up with her,  so serious.  she is 8 weeks postpartum and she's got goals.  most importantly...she's willing to work for them!

nothing will change

so get started.

Q: do workout partners help or hinder you?

Q: do you buy into the pumpkin spice hype?
