natural high

morning! i usually post at night after Chiso goes to bed, so this is new.

feeling good cause monday morning cardio is done, and it's high carb day :)

i was literally running for my b-fast!!  thought about making and devouring my eggs and oatmeal the entire time.

right after a 50 min run in my fat burning zone as the sun came up.

which means, i can get in and out of the gym tonight and only have to focus on weights.  i'm on other body building sites and blogs for inspiration and ideas all the time, and AM cardio/PM weights seems to work for a lot of competitors.  whatever lets me spend more time with my family @ home, i'm all for it.

some of my fav sites to visit:


Figure Girl World

The Bikini Competitor

Female Transformations (via

GetInShapeGirl (even if outdated, still tons of info to soak up)


hope you are able to get SOME work done today :lol:. SO addicting and inspiring, huh!

looking forward to devouring all this lovely, juicy fruit today.

enjoy the rest of your POSITIVE & PRODUCTIVE Monday!
