pan fried curry zucchini fritters + yeeeee-haw! Rodeo Run 5k

the response from my last post was incredibly overwhelming.  i'm already hormonal yall, jeez!!!! some of you even shared your heartfelt, REAL life preggo journeys with me.  it just reaffirms the fact that all women have a story to tell.  we all jump through, over, and under hoops all day, every day.  that's life.  God is true to His word though!  i'm honored and elated that women were able to connect with me on a more personal level and get encouragement and inspiration to keep pressing through their own struggles.  we all need it.  anytime you ever feel the need to share with me or ask any particular question about my journey, do so without hesitation!  again, thank you all for reading and commenting openly and privately.  to God be the glory.


the Rodeo Run went down yesterday morning!  i picked up my race packet Friday and brought along a list of 3-year-old b-day party locations to check in the area.  yep, Chiso's getting a birthday party this year.  we did a small gathering at the house last year for his 2nd and remember i went batty for his 1st  so now it's time to venture out.  i think. suggestions? email me.


i broke my 'no oats pre-race' rule and had big bowl of them topped with bananas, blueberries, and some coconut crystals before we hit the road.


i walked/ran with a friend of mine, Krystal, and Chiso got to play and hangout with her son, Max.  Krystal is in FAB shape, right!? that's her 9 month old daughter in her arms.  she is such a big fitsporation to me!


 grateful to still be moving and shaking at 25 weeks now. my next race is the Bayou City Classic, and the link is over there in the events side bar!  strollers are welcome, so moms, let's do this!  email me if you'll be there; i'd love to meet up at the post-race party.  and if you see me running, SAY HAY!!!!!


so about that zucchini fritter recipe i own ya.... ugh, they are so incredibly tasty.  Sonny took a bite of one and was like, 'there's no meat in this?'


pan fried curry zucchini fritters

the stuff: (source)

  • 3 large zucchini, shredded/grated
  • 3 green onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup almond meal or flour
  • 1/2 cup light parmesan cheese, shredded
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 egg white, beaten
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp curry powder
  • 1-2 tbsp liquid aminos
  • 1 tsp cracked black pepper

do this:

  1. use the larger holes when grating zucchini and shred them onto a dry cup towel.
  2. use those muscles and squeeze out all the liquid possible.
  3.  add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl and incorporate well.
  4. heat a pan on HIGH coated with nonstick cooking spray (or pour a tsp of olive oil into the pan and spread it around)
  5. place heaping tbsp size scoopfuls of mixture onto hot skillet and press down flat.
  6. convert heat to LOW and cook for approx. 5 minutes on each side until golden brown and done. be patient.


makes 20 small-medium cakes!  for 1:

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i have the patience of Chiso sometimes when i'm cooking and i often end up with a scramble instead of a perfect patty or cake.  i am sooooo dang proud of how these turned out!  best ones yet and so much savory deliciousness in every bite. please enjoy them as much as we have.  i got some garlic & herb goat cheese from HEB after the race that i have been spreading on them and, well,


i really need to go to bed. now.


rodeo run - the10k experience

bib is ON- it's time.

it was 80 deg wed. and thurs, then we wake up friday to the low 60's outta nowhere.  this morning was even colder, naturally! about 53 deg or so.  it really was perfect running weather so i'll stop complaining.

that should be you!!!  it was a great turn out again this year. over 15,000 participants helped raise 400k+ for Texas high school students via the Rodeo.

 wrappin that thang up!! hubby got a shot of me juuuust before i crossed under the finish line.  the crowds and all the cheering and yelling never fails to help me blast through that final mile.  (spot me yet??)

gun time -  57:50, chip time - 55:07!!!!  i really just wanted to finish under an hour, though.

@ the post-race party. yet another reason i love HEB- they sponsor most of the races i participate in lol and ALWAYS have the best post-race snacks.  they were giving out fudge ice cream bars but the line was RIDICULOUS:(  i was too hungry to wait.

'hey look, a bull.' the line to take a pic with this guy was about as ridiculous as the ice cream line.  after making our rounds at the different vendor booths and running into countless friends  (it was seriously a mini reunion at one point) we headed to brunch.

not even gonna attempt to blame this on trying to keep the tradition going- truth is i am such a creature of habit!!! i could think of no other place for breakfast than LePeep..i just couldn't. and YES, i got the same thing i ordered last time *eye roll*

hot chocolate

egg white scramble with smoked turkey and veggies.  i believe this is called 'the health nut' on the menu.  i subbed out the fresh fruit for potatoes cause i had a banana at the post race party. and i love potatoes.  drowned in ketchup.

one wheat pancake.

sonny's plate. his stack of pancakes aren't pictured but are hiding to the right.

 CONGRATS to all my friends who ran 5 and 10k's for the very first time today!! way to set your goal and ACHIEVE IT!!!! EXTREMELY PROUD of yall for taking that giant step and simply signing up.  this is only the beginning;)   

 i'm subbing a weights class at the gym for another instructor tomorrow morning so my muscles really need to recuperate for the rest of the day. headed home for an evening of napping and lounging.  have a fantastic saturday!
