August 6th - happy birthday, Hubs!


i posted to IG recently that our vacation was postponed cause of the zika virus outbreak running rampant in Florida and other tropical and domestic areas (be safe, mamas) at this time.13667990_10103274819861916_3136151782235714335_o getting a glimpse of this guy or gal helped me get out of my feelings rather quickly though!  we were just gonna roll Sonny's birthday festivities right on into our trip at that... so unfortunately i was very bummed for a few days after Hubs and i decided to call it off.  i had been looking forward to our very first family vaca all summer long.  it's just not worth the risk at 6 months preggo though.  plan b? #StayCation at one of our fave places in Houston to go!  besides, we've got 1 more year to get Dego into Disney for free before he turns 3 so it's all good, haha.  he will be more aware of what is even going on by then, and i'll also have time to save a bit more so we even can stay and play longer.  just looking for the positives, as usual.  

 saturday morning, august 6th: happy birthday, papa!!

PhotoGrid_1470768529886excitedly running to give Papa his gifts!  i barely captured them in time.20160806_091302-01the love they have for this's such an incredible thing to witness. 

we are a fit family, forreals!  Sonny and i could both receive workout shoes and gear for every single birthday and be completely fine with that.20160806_180215headed to birthday breakfast! we don't eat breakfast out much at all; only everything else.  always a treat.20160806_105412-01originally i planned on going to The Breakfast Klub, but changed it up while en route.  the food is fantastic and worth the wait, but that super long line with two hangry kiddos?  nah, son.   i made a game-time decision and headed to a place i knew would be a family hit,  Barnaby's Cafe! definitely one of our breakfast faves.

20160806_110105-01hot chocolate :)  we never skimp on the whipped cream round here. 20160806_112201-01steak, eggs, and pancakes for the birthday boy,20160806_112017-01Chiso requested red velvet pancakes outta nowhere! they were delish. lol20160806_112022-01i ordered the green eggs (egg whites with spinach and cheese, chicken apple sausage, home fries); i just can't order anything else. #iaintsorry20160806_112130-01after trying to get Dego to look once i just let him be. that baby was hungry and i understood.20160806_131502-01we usually need a nap after we eat breakfast out, so  it was the perfect time to check into our room at hotel Sorella.  the last time Sonny and i stayed there, we were celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary in 2011.  i was pregnant with Chiso (5) and surprised Sonny with the news that weekend!  we're back again, 2.5 kiddos later. 20160806_130053-02admiring my huuuur! my sista-friend Ogechi keeps me fly and not looking a mess!20160806_125302-01when Sonny is on vaca, Sonny is on VACA.  all he wants to do is...nothing!  so i took the boys to the pool while Sonny enjoyed a quiet birthday nap. 20160806_145728-0120160806_145345-01afterwards, we went back upstairs to freshen up.  i sent Sonny over to the Lifetime Fitness (best gym evaaaaar ;) ) City Centre spa to get a needed back massage that he enjoyed.  it only made him sleepy again though but it worked out because Dego had just began his nap in my arms.  Sonny and Dego went to nap some more while Chiso and i headed to the gym for a pre-dinner workout.20160806_171724i actually got a fantastic workout in cause Chiso was fascinated with the cardio machines and had a blast all by himself lol.  i will post our workout vid and entire workout in my next post!!20160806_195812-01loved my relaxed, dinner fit that night! those jeans were always a lil' loose in the hips on me, but  they are now the perfect size for my 6 month belly. deets below!

look... between IG stories and Snap Chat i am so done with social media some days!!  every app is basically vying for our attention and i sometimes feel like i have to be active on every single thing... and that just isn't true.  

20160807_223347we walked right across the courtyard to Ruggles Green, another game-time decision made by the birthday boy in the family's best interest.  Texas de Brazil was my first option, but the boys kept asking for pizza so... 20160806_210327-01we found a great people-watching table on the RG patio while a live 1-man-band band played Sunny 99.1 type hits on his saxophone. he was amazing!  there were kids running, playing, and dancing everywhere and the boys couldn't wait to finish their food and join them. what a seriously perfect family night. 20160806_211239-01we skipped across the courtyard from RG to Red Mango for fro-yo! the boys wanted to make Sonny a homemade birthday cake, but we weren't able to whip it up the day before we left.  so, i planned to just buy a mini one or a cupcake from Sweet, which is what i did.20160806_212029-01we thank God that everything worked right on out. cheeeese!20160806_215841-01back to the room to sing happy birthday to Papa and his candle-less cupcake!  not even room service had one we could use :(20160806_215930-01Chiso picked out a yummy s'mores cupcake.20160806_220202-01we sang and split that thing 4 ways!  we then put our jammies on and watched tv 'til we all fell asleep.20160807_092311-01next morning, breakfast time again! we headed downstairs to enjoy Sorella's beautiful continental breakfast buffet. 20160807_092604-0120160807_093008-0120160807_105612-01afterwards, more pool time for my water babies. 20160807_111444-01 20160807_112358 20160807_110936-01 20160807_105853-01 i am so honored and grateful to share and celebrate yet another birthday with Sonny and our 1st family staycation was one to remember.  happiest of birthdays, Hubs!

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S !








Thursday Threads


today's weather was as poppin' as my pants!  


 this is only my umpteenth pair of Lululemon crops. can't get enough.  i wore black on black on black workout clothes for the longest.  now, i live for COLOR!  . PSX_20160225_160303so about this top... it's under 6 bucks!

it was just too gorgeous to stay indoors in Houston today.

PSX_20160225_160546i struggle soooo hard to give the camera sexy/serious,


so i get nervous and laugh.  smiling just comes natural and requires waaaay less effort!

shades: Ray-Ban

top: H & M (6 bucks)

crops: Lululemon (on sale!)

sneaks: Nike (fave shoes...EVER) 

HR watch: Polar


i hope you're ready for tomorrow's #FastFoodFridayFix recipe!  it's a pretty popular dish you'll definitely want to make and share with your fit friends.  here are a few more you might have missed:




check the IG hashtag often or just subscribe to my bloggy blog waaaay up at the top of your screen!

K E E P   U P   W I T H   U S 

subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Periscope (fitfoodiele).


vlog: 3 things i like about natural hair!

happy sunday to yaaaaaaa!


this is what Sonny and Dego did all afternoon,


but Chi and i had way too much energy for a nap!  so we took a long walk and hit the park.

i also had a little time to get my vlogging game UP!  hope you guys had a great weekend too.  check out my vlog and subscribe to my YouTube channel here. i got recipes and workouts ON THA WAY.

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Q: if you're natural, what do you LOVE about it?
