VLOG inside! + FAT blasting treadmill workout

i currently have no vlogging schedule....just wingin' it.  twice a week is my current goal though!  i actually wanted to take Periscope by storm but my connectivity issues just won't let me be great. sometimes i just can't get that red button to appear no matter what i do and it makes me so dang mad!!! so mad i say 'screw it' and just go on about my day. or either i'll finally get connected and it cuts off on me (usually when my wi-fi randomly cuts on).  anywaaaaay, vlogging is my new boo. i did a super quick monday VLOG (stuck to my under 15 min rule, woo hoo) and i have included the fat burning treadmill workout routine i did!  try it out and let me know what you think!  if you've got time, do it twice.

TREADMILLnow check out our VLOG from this past monday!

here's my tank info: happy strappy 


and my pink hoodie seen in the VLOG is from Active Faith Sports. 

concerning my stroller workout: weight placement is everythang!  my stroller only weighs 26 lbs, even though it looks and felt like way more.  if i were to hold two 12 - 15 lb dumbbells with my hands to my sides and perform these exercises it would not have the same effect as lifting the weight up over my head first though.  try it and experience the difference yourself! you can use a 25 lb plate instead of a stroller, by the way. my core was seriously challenged!  3 x 15 of squats & lunges (per leg) is a great addition to any leg day routine.

Q: what is you absolute favorite cardio machine?
