perfect snack food?

one of Yahoo's top stories happens to be about today's post!  coincidence? prolly.   the article claims that popcorn contains more antioxidants than ANY other fruit or vegetable.  that's pretty big news, i'd say.  popcorn really is a great, whole grain, fibrous, healthy snack.

before you saturate it with butter, oil, salt and/or sugar, of course.  it's best to pop it yourself (on the stove or by air popper) so you are in control of the amount of toppings.  i don't have an air popper, so i whip out my pot.  never done it that way? keep reading.

no additives just plain ol' popping corn.

so, 3 tbsp = 3 cups and 1 cup = 25 calories.  i added 1 more tbsp to make it an even 100 calorie snack.

try to use as little oil as possible.  here's a tip though- both cooking spray and olive oil will have your kitchen smoking. it's best to use vegetable or corn oil.  i pour a little in the cap of the bottle and drizzle it in a medium heated pan.  you really don't need more than 1/2 a tsp.  toss in a few test kernels- once they pop, it's time.everybody in.

very important- cover the pan (preferably with the correct top) and shake it back and forth across the burner to keep the kernels from burning.  this also ensures that there are no kernels on top of one another and that they'll all get popped.  you'll need to repeat this shaking process until you don't hear anymore popping.  and yeah i know...i couldn't find the right top though.

keep shaking..almost done.

makes a nice big bowl.

now, add what you want, or eat it plain!  adjust the nutritional stats accordingly.  i normally do LOL butter and keep it at that.   this past time, i found a packet of truvia and made some kettle corn.

if you must snack while watching tv, reading, etc., munch on some homemade popcorn.  even bag it up and take it to work.

is during movie watching the only time you eat popcorn?



i ate out the ENTIRE weekend.  i rarely do that, but i still made some pretty good choices and didn't go overboard.  after resting for a while saturday afternoon after the 10k (my little guy wouldn't let me sleep but we still did  some lounging and took it easy), we headed over to olive garden with my cousin and bro.  Sonny had some work to finish up.  alas, the life of a business man.

OG peach tea!  the frozen peach slices are a nice touch.

countless rounds of their caesar salad.

had to get my chicken and gnocchi fix...can't get enough of this soup. unlimited refills. only had 2 bowls there, but i ordered another round and took it to go.  this soup actually has the most cals out of them all, and the stats are still reasonable and low @ 250 per bowl.   i googled the copy cat recipe and i def. plan to make this at home!

 i'm SO feeling the mini desserts- fun to eat and look at.  and hello, portion controll!!! a lot of restaurants are doing them these days and i appreciate it as does my waistline.  we got a trio- two chocolate mousse and one lemon.

i really wanted a slice of lemon cream cake!! but this did the trick. 230 cals vs. 610 cals and 35 grams of fat.

limoncello mousse with a vanilla cookie crust.

such a perfect, satisfying size.

started sunday morning off with and early church service as usual.  i had my bowl of oatmeal before we left this time because i had to teach a weights class immediately afterwards.  i always eat a little something before hitting the gym and rarely go on an empty stomach...especially to lift weights.  i just can't get enough of taking or teaching classes- if your gym offers them, TRY THEM. the class environment provides camaraderie, support, accountability, and hopefully some music you like!  i tend to push myself more when taking a class which makes for a tougher workout.

after class i went to join Sonny in the cafe.  what was he doing? what else?!

he needed a few more minutes to finish, so i grabbed a snack and fed the little one before his hunger attitude kicked in.  yeah i know who he got that from.  there were 3 boiled eggs in there... i emptied out the yolks and added ketchup. it tasted better than it looked.  added a stick of string cheese for a small protein filled snack. i also had a hot tea. they had several natural sweeteners to choose from. that totally motivated me to do a future post on the best sweetener to use..there are just SO many these days.  i went with this one though:

 ok enough of that, on to explore city centre. again.

that lululemon is just too close for comfort.

 did some shopping, walking, and playing before lunch.

so serene.


hey hubs!!!! *waving*

on to lunch- almost did Ruggles Green, but decided on Lubys, SMH.

mmmm...meat.  i normally go with their grilled tilapia, but im trying to break my habit of getting the same thing.

'what can i get for you? ' *blank stare*

i ended up with a green salad, grilled basil chicken breast, cabbage, yams, and only the best mac n cheese ever.  they were a little skimpy with my mac n cheese portion size this time! hmph. but it's all good...they definitely did me a favor.

good-bye february, helloooooooo march.  new month, new race! the Bayou City Classic 10K is in 12 days.  SIGN UP AND COME RUN!!!! (and then eat cause HEB sponsors this race too, hahaha)
