boy: a noise with dirt on it

a mommy-friend of mine invited the boys and i to toddler story time at a local library recently.  actually, she invited us weeks ago but i finally got it together enough on my end so that we could attend. it was a morning event so i got up super-duper early just to ensure we'd make it. a lil late, but we made it.  i feel like i have to start getting everybody ready like 3 hours before we have to be somewhere, seriously.  and when we are rarely making good time, Chiso suddenly has to go go to the restroom as i am loading up the car or Dego throws up on us.  never fails!  but hey, we made it AND we even got a nice breakfast in!


i had egg whites with black pepper, mozzarella almond cheese, a little homemade guacamole, low-fat turkey sausage, and french toast with strawberries!  big breakfast to support my activity levels these days which includes hitting the weights again, nursing around the clock, and keeping up with my 3 yr old. among other things.


Chiso has requested pancakes for like 2 weeks straight now. maybe even longer than that.  so made him some sprinkled with mini chocolate chips, sugar-free syrup, and a little fat-free Redi Whip.


our boys warmed right on up to each other and enjoyed the crafting, songs, and puppet show.


 Maranda is a mom of 3 boys herself so i know she feels my pain can relate to life with these little knuckleheads!


 our first official outing together.  we did it!! we're pros now. i actually avoided leaving the house with both boys for the longest...but the saying is true. 'ain't nothin' to it but to do it.' after that? piece of cake! for the most part. thinking, i.e. worrying, about every single thing that could go wrong is no way to live. i've learned to be prepared, prayerful, and cautious, not crazy.  Chiso's independence could not have come at a better time though. for him to be able to get in and out of the car himself, clean up his toys and messes, retrieve and/or throw away Dego's diapers, and turn on the bathroom light so i don't have to get up lol helps out big time. more baby Chiso!

just another one of those bittersweet mommy moments.


well all that fun didn't result in a nap at our house, but Chiso enjoyed himself and has asked to go back countless times now. Maranda is a pro at finding free & fun stuff to do around our city, and i recently came across Houston on the Cheap with even more ideas galore.  check it! CYMERA_20140729_221917

i got to bed way too late so my early gym date was definitely out this morning. i hit the streets for some sprints once Sonny got home instead. i haven't run full speed in almost a year and i'm sure i'll pay for it tomorrow and the next day!  i did ladders:

Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 2.47.46 PM

i started slow and only went 'down' the ladder from 5 to 1.  that was all i had, woof.  also, here are two foodie items being adding back into my diet that i've posted about before: almond cheese (gotta cut down on the dairy cause of bloating) and calorie-free Grey Poupon mild & creamy mustard. i got great feedback via Instagram about Daiya vegan cheese so i'm gonna step out and try that brand next.

Q: what have you tripped over that wasn't even worth tripping over once you did it?


more fun with kettle bells + say cheese

i had serious business to handle this morning at the gym!!! i downed my hot cup of  coffee + stevia + unsweetened vanilla almond milk, looked over my class notes and hit the road.


'it never gets easier, you just get better.'

i have some awesome veteran gym members that have been with me from the  jump!  they attended my very first class at Lifetime and have stuck with me ever since. i adore and admire their dedication to their health and waking up at the crack of dark with me every single week.  i present a new routine each class cause i like to keep things new and exciting, and never predictable. however.... because these members have been with me for  so long, they know some of my moves, which means they know which weight is the 'safest' for a particular exercise. mmhmm, and they also know which weight will really make them WORK hard, struggle, and sweat.  i know you see it coming already!  in order to change our current situation and get those results we so desire and pray for, we must sometimes get uncomfortable (e.g. pick up that heavier weight) so that we can GROW.

IMG_20130226_083032 had i not been given the opportunity to teach in the early mornings, i would have never attempted it on my own. i know the word 'never' is taboo, but i know me!!! never, ever considered AM workouts.  had no desire to do them whatsoever. waking up and doing anything, especially working out, before i go to work? HECK NO.  so when i was called upon to do so, my mind literally screamed  'why me?! it's because i'm a newbie, huh!!' but i kept a straight face with my manager of course.  what... a.... blessing in disguise.  sometimes doing something out of your ordinary or something you fear (public speaking, running your first 5k, cooking your first holiday meal for your entire family)  can help you break away from those chains and overcome those fears completely and present new opportunities.  don't let those 'what if?' feelings haunt or consume you. challenge yourself.  every day you wake up...and that's IF you wake have another chance to make your dreams and goals happen.  do not fear stepping out of your warm, safe comfort zone.  keep fighting it, resisting, and staying in one spot, and you'll never know or experience the opportunities that lie ahead!!!

smile! why so serious? :lol: i don't usually get that long-winded.  time to talk about working out and food and stuff. i have some more kettle bell exercises for ya.

1. half get up:


a. lie face up on the floor and keep your legs straight. hold the kettlebell in your left hand straight above your left shoulder.


  b. engage your core first, bend your left knee, place your foot on the floor, and prop yourself up on your left arm. keep the weight directly in line with your shoulder and sit up until your back is straight. reverse the movement to return to start. that's one! 3-4 sets of 10 using a weight that's heavy for YOU.

what it works:

  • arms
  • core
  • shoulders

what it's for:

  • flexibility
  • core strength

2. kettle bell sumo squat to upright row:


* start standing with your feet out slightly wider than shoulder width and your toes pointed at a 45 degree angle*

a. sit down into a plie squat:

  • core tight, shoulders back and down, back flat, chest up
  • tuck your glutes under and pull your belly button into your spine
  • knees and toes pointed outward in the same direction (about a 45 degree angle)
  • at the lowest point of your squat, your knees should stay inside your toes
  • lift your toes inside your shoes to ensure your weight is concentrated in your heels

b. straighten your legs and return to standing.

*at the same time*

  • draw the kettle bell to your body
  • pull your elbows into a V and keep them higher than your wrists
  • let your arms extend back to starting position

repeat, 4 x 15.


side view- straight up and down, back flat, abs in.

what does it work?

  • hamstrings
  • glutes
  • back
  • shoulders


back view.  squeeeeeeeeze those glutes the entire time! don't let'em go!

3. kb swings 

*stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart*

a. lean forward (bending at the waist) and slightly and bend your knees for a semi-squat position. keep your back flat and head up.


b.  let your arms hang loosely but keep a firm grip on the handle. raise the weight with both hands up towards your head as you inhale. swing the weight with both hands back down in between your legs as you exhale, but remain in control!  use your hips, thighs, and lower back to thrust the weight back up.

do'em! then tell me aaaaall about it!

aaaaagh, breakfast.  had the same thing as yesterday- scrambled egg whites with papaya-lime salsa, a dollop of 0% greek yogurt, and some no-salt  Mrs. Dash garlic & herb seasoning!


this was right before i submerged them in low sugar ketchup.

so, what was in that big box that arrived on my doorstep last week?


Fiber Gourmet graciously sent me a ton of their new high fiber crackers!!! i opened that box like 'whoooooa!' they've got wheat, cheese, nacho cheese, everything, and cinnamon flavors.  i've been a long time fan of their high fiber pastas and did a few posts on them, like this one.  now, they are taking over the cracker game!  i'm not doing them all in one night lol, so Chiso and i started with the cheese Thinables.


they compare their crackers to Nabicso right there on the box, so i did a side by side showdown comparison too.


why you should try them:

  • 25 cheese-its vs 37 Thinables for less than half the calories
  • fiber goes up, calories go down
  • low sodium
  • low-fat
  • no artificial anything!

yall know i'm all about more food for less stats and those stats are killer!  if you're a cracker fan or have kids that love to snack,  give these a try.  Check out their site and try their huge variety of pastas as well.  THANK YOU, Fiber Gourmet!

remember our family trip to Star Pizza this past sunday?  see below!!!

Screenshot_2013-02-28-04-43-01didn't see that coming, but ummmmm, we'll be there with bells on!

what is your favorite kettle bell exercise? 


1st lululemon product review!!


HOT french toast for Chi this morning, oat bran  banana pancakes for me!  and egg whites. you know the drill.

i didn't measure for the french toast, but i used whole wheat bread dipped in a mixture of egg whites, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cinnamon, pure vanilla, and vanilla creme stevia.  i topped it with some Walden Farms pancake syrup. Chiso is still in love with bananas and eats a whole one for breakfast every morning, so he can lick his syrupy fingers all he wants since it's sugar-free!

for lunch, i got fancy with something i make at least 4 times a week cause it's so QUICK. and i need quick these days.


 egg whites, wild tuna, cucumbers, and tomato on some wheat toast with a dollop of guacamustard (avocado and coarse ground mustard whipped into a mousse) and sprinkled with some no-salt Mrs. Dash fiesta lime seasoning.  you don't have to make a tuna tower too, but it's FUN! right!?


i'm no trained chef, yall! yeah right!  yall better stop emailing me with those 'i can't do all that' messages!!! first off, you can, and second, who said you had to!? i do this for kicks cause it makes me happy. ok and to impress Sonny.  ultimately though, it also contributes to the fact that wholesome, healthy, nutritious food can taste as great as it looks.  presentation is important to me, but above all else, eat what's good for you, first.


SO, thank youuuuuu for your emails and questions!!!  i will continue to do my very best to respond in a timely manner, and even answer some of them in my posts.  how bout i do that right now!

Q: are you a PT (personal trainer)?

 A: no, guys! i'm a group fitness instructor!  a PT is something i've considered in the past and it's just not for me...'officially' anyway, lol!  i am certainly not opposed to the one-on-one thing, but the energy of a riled up group of athletes, the loud music, the microphone...yeah the combo of all that is what i live for.  i am in complete love with teaching classes for 24 Hour Fitness and Lifetime,  however, i do have intentions of teaching local classes (bootcamp, abs, TKB), in due time.





pop some squizats!

one of the many lower body exercises you can do for toned, strong, defined, glutes(butt), hamstrings(back of your legs), and quadriceps(front/top of your legs).


  • lift your toes in your shoes and press your heels into the floor
  • have an actual seat- like you're about to sit in a chair
  • keep your knees behind your toes even at the lowest point of your squat
  • back flat, chest up, abs in, head up!
  • your stance determines which part of the legs you work, so switch it up often to target and work more angles (narrow stance, shoulder width stance, wide stance)
  • inhale down, exhale up
  • if your knees cave in toward each other as you squat, the weight is too heavy. proper form first.  always.
  • you can hold heavy dumbbells down to your sides, you can sit the dumbbells on your shoulders (my personal fave), use a weighted barbell across the meaty part of your shoulders, or use no weight at all!

 i am THRILLED to now be apart of lululemon's r & d (research and development) team, whoop, whoop!  i want to be apart of ALL THINGS LULU!!! no, this does not mean that i am employed by lululemon- it means that as an instructor, my feedback concerning lululemon products is valued and considered.  well i have A LOT of that to spare and share ;)

 before i get to new items, i'm gonna start my first product review with some things i wear constantly as you can prolly tell via Instagram!  i'm currently working on a new section on my blog that i will dedicate to *drum roll* product reviews! it'll be composed of healthy food products i eat and use in my own recipes, as well as fitness related gear that i wear, use, and support. sooooo, here we go:

lululemon grey and black Wunder Under Pant (WU's 2012) - 82.00$


  • second-skin fit - feels like next to nothing, literally!
  • four-way stretch
  • designed for yoga, gym, to-and-fro, extremely versatile
  • stylish!


  • secret waist pocket (keys, cards, small items, etc.)
  • wide soft waistband for comfort and eliminating muffin top


  • light-weight, comfy, moveable, breathable fabric no matter what type of exercise you are doing
  • the contours and embellishments contribute to a longer, leaner appearance <----my FAVE!

it never fails- every time i wear them out, people really dig the back of these pants, and i did too! which is what sold me on 'em.  and can i just say i take 'to-and-fro' to a whole new level.  gym or not, i slip them on and GO! highly recommended!

do you own a pair?


journey to clean(er) eating

how it starts....

how it ends.

 i got the baby basket on purpose but i stuffed it full like i knew i would.  going in and coming out with one thing is a complete joke.  there is always something else we need!! or want.

the journey to clean(er) eating starts in the grocery store.  remember these tips when you go shopping:

MORE fresh fruits and vegetables

LESS processed foods (low to no)

lean proteins - chicken breasts, ground turkey, seafood, beef,

healthy fats - avocados, mixed nuts, olive/coconut oil, natural peanut butter

whole grains/fibrous carbs - oatmeal, sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans, whole wheat pasta, high fiber cereal

on Sunday's trip, i got everything on my list plus a few more items:

oh and Ezekiel sprouted grain sesame bread. left it off the list, oops.  aaaand i did get a few indulgent items for Sonny for winning his show this past weekend... i know you see them :shock:  oreos, gummy bears, and cookies n cream ice cream.

i have always wondered why pumpking pie spice is so freakin high!!! this 1.12 oz jar is like 4.99. for no reason. this is what i've always bought.  i was on my way to get some magic pop when i passed a table of seasonings and saw a big bucket of this:

what! now 4.99 a  POUND is more like it!! i grabbed a couple bags. man i love finding great deals.

yesterday, i applied that same 'squeeze the muscle with every rep' technique to my upper body workout and man did it give me a good muscle pump.  try it!!

one of my fave exercises (i'm sure my class members HATE them by now lololol) are W presses with dumbbells.  make a W with your arms (similar to my pose above) holding a heavy dumbbell in each hand.  move both arms up / out simultaneously without going higher than your head with the weights. then, retract them back in towards your head.  keep your elbows in front of your body.  makes for great shoulder/collar bone/back definition!  the racerback style is my absolute fave to wear, regarding my tops, and this exercises targets that area nicely.

dinner that night was a baked sweet potato stuffed with seasoned chicken breast chunks, green onion, and topped with fromage blanc. french cheese!  i also had a side of steamed zucchini.


i found the fromage blanc at Whole Foods while looking for the quark that they didn't have.  the cheese lady told me that fromage blanc was the closest thing to it.  i picked it up and read the stats,

and they were even better than the quark!  heck that's better than sour cream and greek yogurt!  greek yogurt does have a ton of protein, but it also has sugar too.  anyway, awesome find.  HEB has it also.

today...cardio, legs, and stretching.

i could not WAIT to get home to dinner to make me a sandwich.   that was all i could think about.

i made a big pan of baked chicken breasts this morning, so all i had to do was cut it up and put my sammich together.  i seasoned each breast with something different (bbq, lemon pepper, garlic and herb, smokehouse maple, and montreal steak seasoning) and some dried parsley.  350 degrees for 1 hr.

finally!  seasoned chicken breast, avocado, tomato, almond cheese and Trader Joe's pumpkin butter all on toasted Ezekiel sprouted grain sesame bread.  i also had half a sliced apple and some Justin's maple almond butter for dipping.

lastly, i munched on some of that vegetable medley bagged salad with some roma tomatoes on top.

sooooo, turkey day is in like 2 weeks!!!

are you hosting, going to someone else's house, or going out to eat for TG?  


winner winner chicken dinner

glory to God, Sonny won 1st place in his division at the Ft. Worth MuscleMania bodybuilding show this past weekend!! here's Chiso congratulating him and apologizing for sleeping through the entire evening show in mommy's arms.  630-930...what a nap :shock:

i'm pretty proud of this guy.

i was screaming as loud as i could!!  great show and amazing jobs done by all.

here are Sonny and some of the other competitors soaking in their win.  cloud 9 status!

Chiso clearly just wanted to play with that ball, but we got a good family shot outside the venue during intermission break.  immediately following the show, Sonny's team went to dinner at Blue Mesa  to celebrate their accomplishments, weeks of hard work, dieting, and training.  both of our phones were almost dead after our long day, so my camera flash was toast.  horrible lighting for these next few pics, ugh.

along with Sonny's show day meals, i prepped all of mine for the trip as well.  and this meal was not apart of the plan lol! neither was the pizza Sonny brought me from backstage earlier.  nevertheless,  i started with a  dinner salad of field greens topped with tomatoes and red onion.  balsamic vinaigrette was on the side.

Sonny got the Perfect Tortilla Soup which had chicken, tomatoes, jack cheese, smoked chiles, and fresh lime in chicken broth.

CHIPS. sweet potato, tortilla (blue and flour).  and honestly they were nothing to write home about.  it's just that they were in front of me and i was hungry!!! snacking ensued. excessive snacking.

having no flash totally took away from the dish, but it was way tastier than it looked.  i got the Spa Chicken and Spinach Enchiladas with asparagus and grilled sweet potatoes.  the Spa section on their menu was detailed with nutritional stats and lighter options.  i totally appreciated that.  why don't restaurants just do this for the entire menu?  we're prolly better off not knowing in some cases!

Sonny asked the server for the dish with the most food and variety like he always does and ended up getting a sampler platter.  like he always does. lol.  the Mesa Sampler came with a carmelized onion quesadilla, mixed nachos, and chicken taquitos.

so on the way back to our hotel WE wanted something sweet and went through a Mc Donalds drive through in hopes to get some ice cream.   the machine was already closed down for cleaning for the night.  that has happened to us SEVERAL times... we should know the darn schedule by now.  so we ended up at the next best thing... actually it's prolly the best thing lol.

we split a whatasized vanilla shake and i'm pretty sure i slurped down 70% of it!  i hadn't had one in YEARS.  it was.... incredible.  Sonny mentioned going to In-N-Out burger too (hey we don't have one in Houston) but i had to put my foot down and call it quits.

we got some rest and headed home the next morning, but not before grabbing breakfast.  i took a selfie of my abs before we left though and i wasn't surprised that they were still flat.  after i eat crap, it pops back up to say hello on me 3-4 days later.  for a while i had myself fooled!  the symptoms may be delayed  (bloating, gas, bubble guts, pimples, fatigue, flat muscles, heaviness) but they ALWAYS come.  always.

Sonny wanted to start breakfast with a BANG but Ihop was the  best option that popped up on our GPS.  i was somewhat relieved and i'm also glad there were no Shipley's around :shock:

now THIS is a breakfast of champions.  ^^^ there's one right there, tee hee.  Ihop always did have crazy portion sizes.

Sonny smashed a steak omelette topped with cheese and tomatoes,

and a stack of what Ihop is famous for.... mmmmmm.

we got Chi a kiddie sampler of baby cakes, scrambled eggs, and turkey bacon which he did NOT like and took off his plate immediately.  i'm not a fan of the texture of turkey bacon either...i don't blame him.


time to get back on track.

after examining this pic closer, that totally looks like a bug in my oatmeal!!!!! LOL. i remember seeing it after stirring my bananas in though and it was definitely an oat.  i think.  i hope.

i also got a spinach, mushroom, and tomato egg white omelette that was pretty amazing.  i'm am in complete love with their Simple and Fit menu. look at all those options!!! the website is super user-friendly. seriously, GO IHOP! 4 thumbs up from fitfoodiele.

the oatmeal came with butter, brown sugar, and milk on the side, but i didn't use them.  you know what i used!  packet of stevia from the stash in my purse.

didn't bring any Walden Farms syrup with me, but they did provide sugar-free syrup.  again, GO IHOP!  HEB sells Cary's syrup as well, FYI.

we hit the road and made it home safely, thank God.  THEN i hit the gym solo to get a head start on that vanilla shake before it did too much damage lol.  Saturday was a full rest day and i did absolutely nothing for the first time in a while, so i was ready to go and pump some iron.

one of the bodybuilders gave this advice to the crowd at the show:  'it's not about who can squat the most.  it's not about who can bench press the most.  eat right, squeeze the muscle with each rep, and train hard.'  it was short, sweet, and really hit home.  during that workout, i did my best to squeeze my glutes, hams, quads, and calves with each rep. i felt and saw a difference immediately.  oooh it burns. STILL feeling it.

i did legs and cardio and got up outta there.  will be switching up my routine next week though-  time for something new.  next i hit up the store cause my Sunday just ain't right without some grocery shopping.

