snacks on a plane

RISE AND GRIND fit foodies! mornin'. i was up early in sanctuary #2 gettin' my sweat on in Barbell Strength class. fun, fun. wake up!!!


get to know trial and error.  get comfortable with it.  accept that things will not always go the way you planned.  and when they don't, sulking and dwelling on it should be the last thing on your agenda.  it shouldn't even be on there to begin with.  to be disappointed is to be human.  cry. adapt. adjust. suck it up.  pick yourself up. then keep walking.  failure does not mean defeat.  it means that you now understand what works and what doesn't, e.g. trial and error!  whether you receive a yes or a no in the pursuit of your dreams, they are both blessings.  you must believe that.  God has your best interest at heart at all times and will not lead you astray.  He promised!  He's just adjusting your path to where He wants you to go.  remember... He's always thinking of you, even when He is not on your mind.    i may not always know which way to go when a fork is thrown in my road or what to do next, but walking backwards is not an option.  face your fears and keep moving forward, friends.


i hardly ever get to sit down and actually read my favorite mags anymore so i took full advantage on our plane ride to South Beach this past weekend. look out; Fall recipes are headed your way ;)  what else did i bring? you already know.

some fast food.


a couple of red delicious apples, clementines, almonds, and my favorite gluten-free, all natural FITzee bar flavor, Apples 'n Oats.


perfect for traveling and on-the-go but also for feeding those hungry muscles after a great workout!  after exercise, your body requires an abundance of protein and carbohydrates to replenish your depleted muscles.


  the bar's carbohydrate:protein:fat ratio makes it an ideal, healthy option for a PWO (post workout) snack or meal replacement.  click here for nutritional stats and ingredients on all 3 flavors.


depending on your airline, in-flight snacks and/or meals seem to be nonexistent these days, jeez.  no peanuts, pretzels, nothin' .   you'd do better bringing your own anyway!

MORE non-refridgerated snack ideas for traveling:

  • trailmix / granola
  • beef or turkey jerky
  • packaged tuna
  •  wraps, tortillas, pita pockets (La Tortilla Factory, Prophet's Ezekiel)
  • peanut butter (individual packets)

 off to pick up my business cards for the BE conference tonooooight!


Q: what are you afraid of?


well it's about time!!! for this post, that is.  rightontime

non-fitness related, but this is definitely a part of  le.  i give God all the glory and praise for allowing me  to be apart of such an illustrious, historical,  organization of exceptional, talented women.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated! #21 ;)


we are the ladies of 'AKAtch 22'.

 God has blessed and enabled me along with 21 other ladies to give our time, our efforts, and our service to this respected organization.  to be able contribute to and continue this historical legacy is an honor i don't take for granted.  i love these ladies and look forward to a lifetime of sisterhood with them.

enjoy these highlight photos from a very, very special day in my life.


gifts, gift, and mo gifts from the celebratory brunch held for us at the end of this past June 30th, 2013.


i heard my name, so out i came!

one by one we entered into the main ballroom as new initiates for all of our friends, family, and new Sorors to see.


posing with the incredible Soror Shakia after our ceremony. 


Sorors Tiffany, Ijeoma, and Dami. my special day would not have been the same without these ladies and i'm excited to be able to call them Sorors. thanks for the photo, Tiff ;)


this guy right here... i've been waiting a looong time to show my hubby some SKEE-PHI love!  Sonny made it back from his 4th Musclemania bodybuilding show in Miami that same morning, just in time.  i sure did want to go to Miami with him though, not even kidding :shocked:


and then i got the surprise of my life - THIS guy came aaaaaall the way from Afghanistan to celebrate with me and see the fam!  he has been overseas working since the beginning of the year and we have missed him terribly.  he's my only sibling and we are super close so i was pretty dang happy to see him.  cue the ugly-cry-face.


posing and celebrating with the beautiful sister Sorors Brandi and Shalonda just before AKAtch 22 made our grand entrance.   excuse my raccoon eyes from crying my face off all morning.


i look up to and admire my mentor, Soror Brandi, tremendously.  this woman is always on point.  ALWAYS!


making memories with a dear friend of mine and 21 klub, Tiffany.  thank you for..... simply everything.


my girl Andonnia and i!  my sister for life.  i was honored to be able to share that day with her.

Chiso had noooooo idea what was going on,


but his little confused face was priceless.


there might not be any fitness up in this post, but i couldn't get away with mentioning food.


Matthew caught me finally sitting down after it was all over to EAT!! i told him to tell those waiters to NOT touch my plate cause i was coming back. and boy did i.  i had one of everything from the humongous buffet, dessert included. #allout


i loved all my gifts...but this one touched my heart sincerely and means so much to me.

just a quick snippet - the journey really is just beginning...

thank you to my precious FAMILY & FRIENDS for supporting me in countless ways throughout my entire journey.  my heart is completely full of gratitude for each of you!!!  to my dear Aunt Hazel and Godmother whose role was pivotal in my journey to AKA...i love and appreciate you. i thank my loving mother and Soror Andrea for joining me at my ceremony table as well and for their incredible support.

thank you for reading!


The Color Run 5k - Houston

what.a.BLAST this morning!  this was my first time participating in the The Color Run 5k and imo,  everything was set up perfectly.  because i have a goal of hosting my own 5k one day, i took special note of well, everything.  instead of just showing up to run, i tried my best to pay attention to all the minor details that go into making a 5k (or any distance really) so great, fun, and memorable.  and BOY am i overwhelmed!!! but hey:



never settle for good, mediocre, or average because you weren't created to do good, mediocre, or average things!


packet pickup was at Rei and i had never even been inside the store until then.  there was soooo much Color Run paraphernalia to choose from it's not even funny!  shorts, fanny packs, drawstring back packs, tanks, frisbees, bandanas, socks,


and sunglasses!


pre-race breakfast was an egg-white omelette (with some shredded and melted parmesan cheese that was thrown on top as it cooked), fresh spinach, tomato, and honey mustard on Nature's Own double fiber wheat bread.  no oatmeal this time as it can come back to haunt ya real quick if you know what i mean, especially on longer runs.  no pun intended. L O L.   however 5k's are over rather quickly.


that's my sweet, fab, supportive friend Kara!

our driver (Sonny) so graciously snapped some pics of us right after we jumped outta the truck and headed to the start line.


i met up with more great friends on our way to the start line- hey Roberto, Ana, and Kara's fingers! *waving*


i had NO idea how popular this run was!!!  our team was set for takeoff at 9am, but we didn't make it all the way to the front as it was just too crowded.  to avoid so many people on the course at once, they created several 'waves' and our start time was unexpectedly pushed back more than a little bit.  this was terrible because somebody had to drive back across town to teach class in less than 2 hours. when i signed up for the race i was so excited about participating i forgot about my class!!!! pushing it, yes, but i knew both could be done.  i can't and won't let my members down. or waste 50 bucks :lol:


i heard somebody was not feelin' the weather change this morning. it dropped to around 50 degrees outta no where.


but we finished strong. it was bob and weave, stop and go the entire way. this was the first untimed race i've ever participated in and it was a true fun run with an emphasis on fun! people were clearly not concerned with breaking any PR's lol.   it's a huge, family and friends type event for sure, and i DEFINITELY recommend this race for anybody's very first 5k.


the Fit Foodies meant business though! we turned on our heart rate monitors and did our thing. Kara and i pretty much have the same running pace, so we started and finished together.


Kind Bars! i see these guys in Whole Foods all the time and they look scrumptious, right? they were giving out these two flavors and OH BOY...


this peanut butter and strawberry flavor was uhhhmazing. tasted like a sticky, chewy, pb and jelly bar sammich.  these are the only samples i could get my hands on before having to head out.


going and coming, literally. i missed out on tons of pictures and good ol' fashioned color fun and could not stay to meet up with and party with the other runners at all:(  you live and you learn. this was our first Fit Foodies event and we have only just begun to scratch the surface.  so seriously,  NO WORRIES if you weren't able to make it this morning, there are too many races coming up to dwell on one!  just know that plenty of advanced noticed will be provided next time, you have my word.


we sped across town and made it just in time.  did i shower first? heck no! i didn't have time anyway! 1 hour of total conditioning and a family shoulder workout later,

(alternating punches with dumbbells for 1 minute straight w/ Kara, my bro Brian, my hubby, and i )


TOAST was not the word.

  i'm gonna put this in the side bar over there, but the Green 6.2 will be held on April 27th, 2013. that's next month yall! email me if you'd like to run with the Fit Foodies team. the earlier you register, the cheaper the price.  set a goal and let's go for it, together.


alright...had this dressing tonight and it's  definitely gonna be added to the FFL approved list!  Walden Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette.  it's great as a salad dressing, but i'm positive it would work as a marinade for fish or chicken too.  try it! i like.


250mg of sodium per 2 tbsp and you know the rest: calorie, gluten, fat, sugar, carb, and cholesterol-FREE.

 more q & a in the upcoming posts, fyi.

start this week off STRONG!!!



more fun with kettle bells + say cheese

i had serious business to handle this morning at the gym!!! i downed my hot cup of  coffee + stevia + unsweetened vanilla almond milk, looked over my class notes and hit the road.


'it never gets easier, you just get better.'

i have some awesome veteran gym members that have been with me from the  jump!  they attended my very first class at Lifetime and have stuck with me ever since. i adore and admire their dedication to their health and waking up at the crack of dark with me every single week.  i present a new routine each class cause i like to keep things new and exciting, and never predictable. however.... because these members have been with me for  so long, they know some of my moves, which means they know which weight is the 'safest' for a particular exercise. mmhmm, and they also know which weight will really make them WORK hard, struggle, and sweat.  i know you see it coming already!  in order to change our current situation and get those results we so desire and pray for, we must sometimes get uncomfortable (e.g. pick up that heavier weight) so that we can GROW.

IMG_20130226_083032 had i not been given the opportunity to teach in the early mornings, i would have never attempted it on my own. i know the word 'never' is taboo, but i know me!!! never, ever considered AM workouts.  had no desire to do them whatsoever. waking up and doing anything, especially working out, before i go to work? HECK NO.  so when i was called upon to do so, my mind literally screamed  'why me?! it's because i'm a newbie, huh!!' but i kept a straight face with my manager of course.  what... a.... blessing in disguise.  sometimes doing something out of your ordinary or something you fear (public speaking, running your first 5k, cooking your first holiday meal for your entire family)  can help you break away from those chains and overcome those fears completely and present new opportunities.  don't let those 'what if?' feelings haunt or consume you. challenge yourself.  every day you wake up...and that's IF you wake have another chance to make your dreams and goals happen.  do not fear stepping out of your warm, safe comfort zone.  keep fighting it, resisting, and staying in one spot, and you'll never know or experience the opportunities that lie ahead!!!

smile! why so serious? :lol: i don't usually get that long-winded.  time to talk about working out and food and stuff. i have some more kettle bell exercises for ya.

1. half get up:


a. lie face up on the floor and keep your legs straight. hold the kettlebell in your left hand straight above your left shoulder.


  b. engage your core first, bend your left knee, place your foot on the floor, and prop yourself up on your left arm. keep the weight directly in line with your shoulder and sit up until your back is straight. reverse the movement to return to start. that's one! 3-4 sets of 10 using a weight that's heavy for YOU.

what it works:

  • arms
  • core
  • shoulders

what it's for:

  • flexibility
  • core strength

2. kettle bell sumo squat to upright row:


* start standing with your feet out slightly wider than shoulder width and your toes pointed at a 45 degree angle*

a. sit down into a plie squat:

  • core tight, shoulders back and down, back flat, chest up
  • tuck your glutes under and pull your belly button into your spine
  • knees and toes pointed outward in the same direction (about a 45 degree angle)
  • at the lowest point of your squat, your knees should stay inside your toes
  • lift your toes inside your shoes to ensure your weight is concentrated in your heels

b. straighten your legs and return to standing.

*at the same time*

  • draw the kettle bell to your body
  • pull your elbows into a V and keep them higher than your wrists
  • let your arms extend back to starting position

repeat, 4 x 15.


side view- straight up and down, back flat, abs in.

what does it work?

  • hamstrings
  • glutes
  • back
  • shoulders


back view.  squeeeeeeeeze those glutes the entire time! don't let'em go!

3. kb swings 

*stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart*

a. lean forward (bending at the waist) and slightly and bend your knees for a semi-squat position. keep your back flat and head up.


b.  let your arms hang loosely but keep a firm grip on the handle. raise the weight with both hands up towards your head as you inhale. swing the weight with both hands back down in between your legs as you exhale, but remain in control!  use your hips, thighs, and lower back to thrust the weight back up.

do'em! then tell me aaaaall about it!

aaaaagh, breakfast.  had the same thing as yesterday- scrambled egg whites with papaya-lime salsa, a dollop of 0% greek yogurt, and some no-salt  Mrs. Dash garlic & herb seasoning!


this was right before i submerged them in low sugar ketchup.

so, what was in that big box that arrived on my doorstep last week?


Fiber Gourmet graciously sent me a ton of their new high fiber crackers!!! i opened that box like 'whoooooa!' they've got wheat, cheese, nacho cheese, everything, and cinnamon flavors.  i've been a long time fan of their high fiber pastas and did a few posts on them, like this one.  now, they are taking over the cracker game!  i'm not doing them all in one night lol, so Chiso and i started with the cheese Thinables.


they compare their crackers to Nabicso right there on the box, so i did a side by side showdown comparison too.


why you should try them:

  • 25 cheese-its vs 37 Thinables for less than half the calories
  • fiber goes up, calories go down
  • low sodium
  • low-fat
  • no artificial anything!

yall know i'm all about more food for less stats and those stats are killer!  if you're a cracker fan or have kids that love to snack,  give these a try.  Check out their site and try their huge variety of pastas as well.  THANK YOU, Fiber Gourmet!

remember our family trip to Star Pizza this past sunday?  see below!!!

Screenshot_2013-02-28-04-43-01didn't see that coming, but ummmmm, we'll be there with bells on!

what is your favorite kettle bell exercise? 


from the buffet with love


i am far from a girlie girl.....but i convinced myself to jump on the cornball bandwagon on v-day and make some heart-shaped strawberry banana pancakes.

20130214_090404topped with fat-free sugar-free cool whip and pink sprinkles.  it was, dare i say, kinda fun :shock:


in the middle of getting Sonny's meals together for day before he headed out, he snuck this guy on the counter while my back was turned.  stunned?  not even the word!  my HP died like 2 years ago and i have really needed that thing since i started blogging last year.  also, i wrote down my dream of becoming a well-known blogger just the day before cause Beyonce instructed her followers to do so on Instagram. lol.  coincidence? not at all.


 God will grant us the desires of our hearts on HIS terms and HIS time.  He promised!  be encouraged and know that He will take your hand and walk with you on your journey, and put the things and people you need in line to help you get there! i knew from the jump it would take a TON of commitment and time to establish this blog.  anything worth having is worth fighting for and i'm ready and willing to grind it out!


leading up to v-day, there was something that had been on my mind all week and i couldn't shake it.  i was asked to sub a class format that i had never taught before.  while i have used the 'sorry i don't teach that' excuse for a while now...i couldn't bring myself to pull that card this time. unless it's like cycling  or something..i shooole don't teach that, WHEW! LOL.  i forced myself to accept the challenge right then, but immediately afterwards, doubt, negative thoughts, and nervousness darn near CONSUMED me.


would the members not like my teaching style since i'm not the regular instructor?  would i mess up and forget some of my routine? would the members walk out? aaaaggghhh! SHUT UP!   i mean really!!!   i've been doing this for over 5 years now and can sit down and make up a routine within minutes.  what was i scared of?  the fear of the UNKNOWN.  i couldn't answer any of those questions and it was not my job to do so. my job was to be on my game and prepared to do my BEST.  control what you can and don't worry about the rest!  my faith was really tested, and through nerves and all, i wanted to teach this class to prove to myself that i could do it.


darn right it does.  it's how we GROW.  i put that mic on, took a deep breath, said my 60 billionth prayer, and let it go.  before i knew it, time had flown by, and class was fun as CRAP! i got positive reviews from the members and guess what? it's over and I LIVED.  'fear only becomes powerful when we give it power.' stop doubting yourself and your abilities when you know darn well what you are capable of.  usually when someone asks something of you, they already expect and believe you can do whatever it prove them right!

Sonny and i headed to a late, intimate v-day dinner at a churrascaria type restaurant in the museum district.  i tried to take it easy and just hit the salad bar HARD.  when i have to teach a class the following morning, i don't like to go to bed feeling too full, cause i wake up feeling the same way sometimes and it's harder to get going.  also, my appetite takes a hike when i'm nervous about something.  does that happen to you?

20130214_212313 plate #1- red and orange roasted red peppers, grilled egg-plant, smoked salmon, artichokes, grilled zucchini, roasted beets, carrots, and swiss cheese. 20130214_214340

2nd plate- the only new things were the crab salad on the left, and the pearl couscous salad at the top. everything was fresh and delish!


my hubs, on the other hand, had no class to teach the next morning nor did he hold back. his competition diet will be starting soon and he went ALL OUT  that night, lol!




after.  no wait,  he was just taking a break and went two more rounds after this. no kidding.



when the meat men came around (look i don't remember what they were called) i stuck with 1 nice sized bacon wrapped chicken breast fillet.  oooh bacon can flavor SO WELL!

20130214_221727full, happy, and Chiso-less for the evening;) 188306828140112284_4548CnOv_c

 as we start this new week, remember ^THAT^!!
