LA road trip - Destiny Christian Center Health Fair

so i got a chance to do my first live cooking demo this past weekend at a health fair held at the Destiny Christian Center in LaPlace, Louisiana :shock: :)


 the day before though, Chiso and i had the pleasure of meeting a fit foodie le supporter in HEB while i was picking up a few last-minute things for our road trip.  i so thought i was being reprimanded for going back to the grape sample bowl too many times, but nope, it was Tiara, a fit mom of two doing some shopping with her mom and just introducing herself!  she asked about getting started with grocery shopping and well, i will cover ALL that and more in my (hopefully) next post. nice meeting you lady.

k, back to the trip.


we hit the road at 3 somethin' AM, homemade egg white & bacon bowls to-go (2 slices sara lee 45 cals & delightful bread for me, 1 whole wheat tortilla for him) in tow.


oh what fuuuuuun it is to ride with my hub-by to LA. HEY!


by the grace of God we made it right on time,


and started setting up immediately.  i made the Mo-Rockin' Chicken and Cold Cucumber & Tomato salad w/ Dill from my ebook, and also whipped up some of my oatmeal banana pancakes.


i spoke to the attendees about healthier ingredients (swaps) when cooking at home, shared a starter grocery list, grocery shopping tips, and concluded with a little Q & A.


then i added Sonny to the presentation so he could give everyone the run down on our personalized health and fitness company, 6 Pack USA!


Food Network ain't ready for me!!!!!! i ain't read for them either though :lol: . those cooking show hosts make it look CRAZY easy. cooking & talking (and making sense) in front of people or a camera is no easy task, but it will just take practice, practice, and  mo' practice for me.

grateful for this fun learning experience. friends and family keep asking me if i was nervous up there- heck yeah.  however,


so don't let fear block your blessings.  if God brings you to it, HE'LL TAKE YOU THROUGH IT.20131116_124129_3

my line sister Santrice so kindly had my e-book printed and binded in color just for my trip and i thank her SINCERELY!!!! i brought them with me to be auctioned off during the raffles at the health fair, and here i am with Kimber, a sweet, helpful woman who gave me SO much great feedback on how to improve and grow after my presentation.  she blessed me greatly and whaddaya know, her name was pulled to win my e-book!


i'd like to give BIG thanks to my girl Dami for hooking me up with the ladies over the Destiny Christian Center Health Fair, Kassidy and Brittany, in the first place! they both did a fantastic job of catering to the vendors and putting on a successful community event.

thanks for reading!

 to contact me about speaking at your health and wellness event, email me!

for 6 Pack USA inquiries, email me at:


oatmeal banana mini muffins

imagedo you believe that?  this phrase has been echoing in my mind since the day i read it, several weeks ago.  i said earlier on IG that i accepted my first formal health and fitness speaking engagement and well, i can honestly say that this is THE first public speaking event i'm actually excited about!!! prolly cause it's concerning health and fitness :) .  i'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous, but hey, if it doesn't challenge me, it doesn't change me.  time to start SPEAKING along with all this typing!  if God brings you to something, He will surely take you through it. keep walking in faith and reaching for your dreams, friends... if i can get my sometimes timid and scary behind up there and do the one thing that terrifies most people, YOU CAN TOO.20130725_080411

super ripe bananas mean what? some baking is about to go down.   for breakfast this morning after my class, i made some banana oatmeal mini muffins.  i had the boy in mind- he loves these things and as long as i keep them coming, he will keep gobbling.

20130725_094643there is a similar recipe in my ebook for these puppies, and i got the calorie count even lower in there! pretty excited about that.

oatmeal banana mini muffins:

the stuff:

  • 1/2 cup ground rolled or quick oats ( or oat flour)
  • 1 small super ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 2 tbsp greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • pinch of salt

do this:

mix real good until smooth!  if you'd like to use your food processor, that's cool too.  i kinda liked the banana chunks in each bite though.  fill your tins 3/4 of the way up and cook these guys for 7-10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. i topped mine with a banana slice, a drizzle of chocolate PB2 (mixed with unsweetened vanilla almond milk), and a dark chocolate chip.


makes 19-20 mini muffins. for 1 muffin (excluding toppings):


tty lata!


from the buffet with love


i am far from a girlie girl.....but i convinced myself to jump on the cornball bandwagon on v-day and make some heart-shaped strawberry banana pancakes.

20130214_090404topped with fat-free sugar-free cool whip and pink sprinkles.  it was, dare i say, kinda fun :shock:


in the middle of getting Sonny's meals together for day before he headed out, he snuck this guy on the counter while my back was turned.  stunned?  not even the word!  my HP died like 2 years ago and i have really needed that thing since i started blogging last year.  also, i wrote down my dream of becoming a well-known blogger just the day before cause Beyonce instructed her followers to do so on Instagram. lol.  coincidence? not at all.


 God will grant us the desires of our hearts on HIS terms and HIS time.  He promised!  be encouraged and know that He will take your hand and walk with you on your journey, and put the things and people you need in line to help you get there! i knew from the jump it would take a TON of commitment and time to establish this blog.  anything worth having is worth fighting for and i'm ready and willing to grind it out!


leading up to v-day, there was something that had been on my mind all week and i couldn't shake it.  i was asked to sub a class format that i had never taught before.  while i have used the 'sorry i don't teach that' excuse for a while now...i couldn't bring myself to pull that card this time. unless it's like cycling  or something..i shooole don't teach that, WHEW! LOL.  i forced myself to accept the challenge right then, but immediately afterwards, doubt, negative thoughts, and nervousness darn near CONSUMED me.


would the members not like my teaching style since i'm not the regular instructor?  would i mess up and forget some of my routine? would the members walk out? aaaaggghhh! SHUT UP!   i mean really!!!   i've been doing this for over 5 years now and can sit down and make up a routine within minutes.  what was i scared of?  the fear of the UNKNOWN.  i couldn't answer any of those questions and it was not my job to do so. my job was to be on my game and prepared to do my BEST.  control what you can and don't worry about the rest!  my faith was really tested, and through nerves and all, i wanted to teach this class to prove to myself that i could do it.


darn right it does.  it's how we GROW.  i put that mic on, took a deep breath, said my 60 billionth prayer, and let it go.  before i knew it, time had flown by, and class was fun as CRAP! i got positive reviews from the members and guess what? it's over and I LIVED.  'fear only becomes powerful when we give it power.' stop doubting yourself and your abilities when you know darn well what you are capable of.  usually when someone asks something of you, they already expect and believe you can do whatever it prove them right!

Sonny and i headed to a late, intimate v-day dinner at a churrascaria type restaurant in the museum district.  i tried to take it easy and just hit the salad bar HARD.  when i have to teach a class the following morning, i don't like to go to bed feeling too full, cause i wake up feeling the same way sometimes and it's harder to get going.  also, my appetite takes a hike when i'm nervous about something.  does that happen to you?

20130214_212313 plate #1- red and orange roasted red peppers, grilled egg-plant, smoked salmon, artichokes, grilled zucchini, roasted beets, carrots, and swiss cheese. 20130214_214340

2nd plate- the only new things were the crab salad on the left, and the pearl couscous salad at the top. everything was fresh and delish!


my hubs, on the other hand, had no class to teach the next morning nor did he hold back. his competition diet will be starting soon and he went ALL OUT  that night, lol!




after.  no wait,  he was just taking a break and went two more rounds after this. no kidding.



when the meat men came around (look i don't remember what they were called) i stuck with 1 nice sized bacon wrapped chicken breast fillet.  oooh bacon can flavor SO WELL!

20130214_221727full, happy, and Chiso-less for the evening;) 188306828140112284_4548CnOv_c

 as we start this new week, remember ^THAT^!!



what? two posts in one day!? don't thank me, thank Chiso :lol:

he actually stays put when i put his Elmo movies on these days, so that gives me a little mo time to post some stuff.

how was your workout today?  i loved this the second i saw it:


you're the boss, Applesauce!

you make the schedule and determine workload.  if you keep working away on that ginormous stack of papers on your desk, it will start to dwindle, eventually.  equate that to living a healthier lifestyle (or weightloss/gain/maintenance) - the results WILL come with a little consistency!  some days you'll do more work, some days you won't do nearly as much.  and that's ok.

20130205_064152 first early AM class of February has been taught, BOO-YAAAAAAH!  afterwards, i stayed behind and did a few weight circuits, solo.


there's #crotchsweat, and then there's good ol' #bootysweat!

after that,  i came home and made these babies...........


Peach Branberry Coconut Cakes.

this is another 'cardio creation'! i thought of this on the elliptical last night and almost made them when i got home cause i didn't wanna wait!


i hope the new flavor combo is appreciated cause yall know i could eat banana pancakes EVERYDAY :shock:


i've been using organic oat bran instead of oatmeal these days!  why? more fiber, more protein, and it's cheaper by the pound at my store.  i've seen it used in other recipes and decided to give it a try myself.  it can be found in the bulk bins at HEB and/or Whole Foods for sure, but if your grocery store doesn't have a 'bulk' area, i'm pretty sure it's sold in the box on the shelf too.


i haven't had blueberry pancakes in a good while.  #satisfied


here's another recreated Central Market salad fave from last night:

dill, cucumber, tomato & feta salad

the stuff:

  • 2 sliced cucumbers
  • 3 chopped roma tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar OR juice of a fresh lemon if ya don't have any
  • 2-3 tbsp fresh chopped dill
  • fresh cracked black pepper
  • 1 tbsp liquid aminos
  • 2 tbsp garlic and herb goat cheese
  • 1 heaping tbsp 0% greek yogurt

do this:

chop up/slice the cucumber, tomatoes, dill and add this to a large bowl.   add everything else and MIX! you can break up the goat cheese over the ingredients.  let it sit in the fridge overnight and it'll taste eeeeeven better the next day. no red onion in this recipe.


been eating this all day today!

IMG_20130202_175515 gnite- i know someone needed to see that as bad as i do/did. you ARE good enough!!!  believe in YOURSELF.



sb sunday

i started my super bowl sunday out with a beast of a workout!  why was it such a beast?  well, my bro-in-law, Brian, strolled into the gym and took the last 30 minutes of my total conditioning class with me, and he made me do 30 minutes of his workout afterwards in return, whew.  s/n- it's always a great thing to see familiar faces in my class!!! when i first started teaching, i used to get ridiculously nervous if someone i knew told me they were coming.  even having my own husband there used to frighten me!  i just didn't want to get so nervous and mess up.... unconfident much?


 but you know what i learned? nobody even know's i've 'messed up' unless i SAY something.  i actually used to apologize on the mic to everyone in the middle of the routine!  i have grown tremendously over the years through practice and experience and did NOT give up.  even now, i have brain farts often  but it's usually because i get so pumped and start to run around the room motivating members that i forget what i was about to do next in my routine!!

quitting is NOT an option though- do. not. give. up.  if you're committed to something you truly LOVE,  your passion for it won't let you.  it's worth all the time, energy, and effort you put into it.


we did a kettle bell and box circuit.


when i saw him go get those stupid boxes i knew it was about to be ON. #crotchsweat


that's my grimace face...not a smile.

i post pics of my Polar watch after my workout on Instagram sometimes and i get questions like, 'wow, what'd you do to burn all that??' or 'how much of those cals were from ____?'


truth be told, it's different every work out, of course.  i try to get in and out in under 90- minutes, but it also depends on what i'm workin that day.  here's the approximate breakdown for this particular day though:

200 cals - 15 min fat burning warmup on the elliptical while waiting to begin my class

750+ cals - 1 full hour of Total Body Conditioning (cardio + weights, HIIT)

350 cals - 20 minutes of kb's and boxes with my bro

i go over 1k maybe twice a week at the most.


working out with Brian = soreness in places i forgot about. never a dull moment with him, EVER.

hope you guys enjoyed watching the big game on Sunday, whatever you did! we had a little last-minute viewing party at our home and i told myself i wouldn't stress this year and to make it a SB potluck party!  i only made four things:

1. chunky grilled shrimp dip






grilled chunky shrimp dip

the stuff:

  • 1 lb EZ peel shrimp, any size
  • 1 avocado, chopped
  • half of 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • half of 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos
  • 2 tbsp fresh, chopped cilantro
  • 1/4 cup red onion, chopped

do this:

cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice onto the thawed shrimp and add 1 tbsp of liquid aminos.  season with your choice of no-low sodium seasoning, and let it sit for 30 minutes minimum.  whip out your grill pan and grill them up on high heat. remember they cook extremely more than 3 min on each side.  plate them, cover with foil, and let them sit tight for about 5 minutes.  chop up everything else if you haven't yet and throw it in a bowl: cilantro, bell peppers, red onion, avocado, and finally your shrimp.  bite size pieces perfect for scooping with chips is best.  add the last tbsp of aminos, squeeze the other half of the lemon over your mixture, and sprinkle with the cracked pepper.  let this chill in the fridge for at least an hour. then, scoop away.  fresh, easy, quick, mmm hmm, all that!

2. tidy turkey janes


waaaaait a minute....i said i was saving this recipe for my Fit Foodie Le  fit e-cookbook, remember!?!? uh oh, i think i only disclosed that info on IG and hadn't mention it on my blog yet. well, SURPRISE!!!! :shock:


the meat sauce is aaaaaalll clean, but you can always switch out the rolls and use whole wheat/grain for sure.  e-book is still in the works! will hop right back working on it after i finish this post. it'll be worth the wait;)

3. homemade, clean guacamole


i did everything 'to taste' with this guac recipe! forgive me! here is everything i used though:

ffl's homemade guac:

the stuff:

  • 8 ripe avocados
  • 2-3 roma tomatoes
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • coconut aminos
  • half of 1 medium yellow onion
  • fresh cracked black pepper
  • sweet, smokey chipotle paprika
  • juice of half of 1 lemon
  • fresh chopped cilantro

do this:

you can throw ALL this into your food processor/blender and whip it into a smooth, creamy avocado mousse like texture, or chop everything finely by hand and keep it chunky.  here's a tip though- make sure the tomatoes are somewhat dry, cause they can make the dip runny.  taste and season accordingly from there!




4. savory & sweet rotisseri chicken bites

ok....i did not get to go to Sam's and get some rotisserie chicken, but i DID have some leg quarters in my freezer already. so i totally switched this recipe up this year.  i roasted them on 350 for about an hour or so, then shredded them after they were cool.  dark meat just doesn't shred as easily as white meat, but i did my best to make it work.  and i didn't use flour this time.  the clean version is right beside each ingredient in parenthesis for ya, as promised!

savory sweet rotisserie chicken bites w/ pb toast crunch coating

the stuff:

  • 4 cups shredded chicken (white, breast meat)
  • 1 bunch chopped green onion
  • 4 oz garlic and herb goat cheese (4 oz fat free cream cheese)
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar (1 cup low fat or 2% cheddar)
  • 1/2 cup sriracha hot sauce
  • 2-3 tsp black pepper
  • coating - 3 cups crushed peanut butter toast crunch cereal (3 cups peanut butter puffins or fiber one cereal)
  • 4 scrambled raw eggs (5 egg whites)
  • 2 tbsp tony chacheres cajun seasoning (salt-free tony chacheres)
  • 2 cups flour (whole wheat flour) OPTIONAL!

do this:

turn oven on 350.  after  the chicken has been shredded finely, add the cream cheese, hot sauce, shredded cheese, green onion, seasonings, and  form individual balls (1-2 in in diameter) with your hands.  get two separate bowls and put the eggs in one, crushed cereal in one, and the flour in another.  use one hand to roll the chicken ball into the flour first (optional), then the egg wash,  and finally the dry cereal mix until it is covered completely.  place the balls on your baking pan, and cook them for about  15-20 min or until brown and crispy.  makes about 30+ balls, depending on the size you rolled'em!


yes, more goat cheeeeese! i found this one right next to the honey goat cheese @ HEB. it worked GREAT in the chicken bites recipe! so much flavor. 20130202_193400

20130203_152916 alright, here's some of the spread!


these snacks made the Beyonce concert, i mean, the game much more enjoyable. 20130203_172437 a family member of ours brought wangs, YUM! you can't watch football without'em.  hot, galic and parmesan, and my fave, honey bbq. 20130203_172503

friends also brought several bags of chips, like these multigrain Tostitos i adore,  among other things! we were so grateful for every contribution thank you MUCHO, friends and fam! 20130203_165911and lastly, there is NOTHING thing clean about these babies! i just used an ordinary vanilla boxed cake and made mini and reg size cup cakes topped with vanilla icing and sliced strawberries.  they went FAST.

alright, those were our game day treats!

now, what did you make? was it 'clean' or 'dirty'?
