

i started saturday morning with a RUN!  yep, i stepped it on up and turned my power walk into a run. after a restful night i felt the urge and had the energy to do more for my workout.  and uhhh, my legs said GO but my boobs said NO.  ouch. so it definitely became more of a jog/walk kinda thing for about an hour or so. nice, early, humid workout nonetheless.


 great support from both sports bras and regular bras is EVERYTHING when it comes to postpartum boobs.  all boobies are different but i am now back up to a D cup (k, double) after getting quite comfy and confident with my B's post bikini comp last year.  my strongest, most supportive, 'old faithful' sports bra is so old actually that i can only find it used on eBay lol. it's the Asics Athletic Seamless Racerback bra and has served me well, so i'm sticking with the Asics brand from here on out. it's like a brand new bra after every wash- it tightens back up and provides maximum support.


mama and papa stepped out for a hot date saturday night!  dates are good. dates are refreshing.  dates keep things going, exciting, and refreshing. dates give you something to look forward to.  we are going on 7 years of marriage this year!  i actually had something really cool planned that fell through....but i didn't reveal it to Sonny yet cause i'm totally gonna try again.  so, we went to dinner anyway to just enjoy some kiddo-free time. and burgers.


i chose the Grove downtown, and we got a nice big cozy booth to ourselves.


repeat offender.  just one of those things Sonny has grown to 'love' about me.  even if we're at a new spot- i always play it safe and order salmon, and then we argue on how to even say salmon correctly.


excuse the disrespectful flash;  the lighting was super dim and sexy though so i needed it.  reminds me of my early IG pictures pics- i can't stand looking at them!! uuuggggghhhh.

this was a spring mix salad with radish and tomatoes.  now that i think about it, our waiter didn't ask me when kind of dressing i even wanted, so no idea there.  i was living life on the edge and didn't get my dressing on the side this time.


Sonny asked our waiter what the quickest appetizer to make was (kinda hungry, aye?) and he said the flash fried shrimp.

sweet, crunchy, and full of flavor.


a tasty bacon burger and french fry combo for hubby,


and a grilled salmon fillet paired with sautéed cauliflower, kale, and fennel for moi.

much needed!


are they twinning or what?  Dego is much more social and aware these days which means more smiles :D

Q: what's your favorite date nite with your S.O.?

Q: how often do you make time for them? weekly? monthly?

long as i'm eating good food i'm a happy camper; 2-3 times a month is ideal for us when going out. home movie/dinner/game dates are great ideas too!


i'm free (x's 2)



as of 20 minutes ago, my online defensive driving class is done. WHOOP.  i was falling asleep and nodding off all through those last few chapters and videos but as soon as i passed my test i woke up. :lol:  that's how it goes. in fact i'm so wired it's over that  i'm listening to my boys snore and blogging after midnight which never happens. there is always a reason i am randomly inspired to write though, always.

i have a secret.


it's always been that way. however, i don't want a cookie-cutter, sunshine, bubbles, infinite happiness all-day-every-day, boring blog. that's not life and that's not real.  people are inspired and blessed through experiences and  there are several things that have happened to me along my competition and fitness journey in general  that the Lord wants me to SHARE.  so i will.   and whatever else He puts on my heart to type.  post by post, it's coming.

 happy friday and remember this:


learning to love yourself regardless of your current stage/size is one of the most crucial and beneficial gifts that a person can give themselves.  it's also one of the most difficult tasks for a person to conquer wholeheartedly.  improving yourself physically is great and can do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence, but it shouldn't define who you are.  your character and how you treat people will always trump any physical characteristic.
