

sup yall!

my workout buddy, Miko, celebrated her 30th birthday this past weekend! so, we made plans to attend her big dinner.  we were all (me, Sonny, the boys) in the car headed home before taking them to their designated sitter when Chiso (3) started vomitting out of nowhere! it was so random and unexpected, and also the first time he's thrown up since he was an infant. Sonny and i looked at each other in disbelief instantly.

20150131_201928_1 has some of the best 'what to do if your child is sick' info i've come across.  what to NOT do if your child is sick: freak. out.

 after a warm bubble bath he said he was feeling much better... but as a mom you know your child's sick and healthy demeanors right away!  i had already missed Miko's first birthday event the night before (a skate party i really wanted to go to) so i was put between a rock and a hard place.  luckily he really was better, and we were able to go celebrate with her and speed right back home.

happy 30th birthday, Shymika!

20150131_223416_1 i'm usually the one making other people feel short but not that night!  i didn't even bother changing clothes from earlier that day since we were already super late getting there.

IMG_20150131_225607 the food ROCKED.  i work in City Centre and see this place aaaaaall the time but had never been.  it's a churascaria (all you can eat Brazilian style meat) called Texas De Brazil and it's super similar to FoGo De Chao.  i don't like to eat a large meal late at night (past 8pm really), so i skipped all that delicious red meat they kept buzzing around us with.  i LOVE fancy, elaborate salad bars though! i circled it twice three times before calling it quits.  all plates looked identical and were filled with veggies galore and seafood. except for that prosciutto i didn't even eat!

i wrote a post about tips on conquering the buffet my very 2nd month blogging. time is FLEETING! seems like i just started this thing! anyway, there's some useful info in there that i stick by to this day.

do you like churascarias?  well done, medium rare, or medium?




but did you die? + dairy-free banana fudge bomb pops



the first time i saw that meme on IG... instant tears. ooooh, spinning. the class i hate to love and love to hate.  i still remember taking my very first cycle class at 24HF years ago. i was drenched in sweat from head to toe like WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED.... *blank stare*.  i looked like i had just taken a dip in the pool, fully clothed.


Miko and i made it through again though!  i do believe the seat is more uncomfy the next few times after the initial time.  the 'it gets worse before it gets better.' phrase applies here.  wheeeeew, God bless spin instructors everywhere. i know you get used to it after a while but because i'm in the adjusting phase again it's definitely the discomfort talking. #seasonalcycler


  broken vajayjay.... but did you die? LOL #almost


colorful plates make my face and tummy HAPPY. i planned on baking meatballs this week but got lazy (hungry) and whipped up my lean apple-chicken  on Nature's Own Whole Wheat bread  with cheddar almond cheese instead. i still have Honey Crisp apples around from making homemade apple sauce, so i subbed one of those for the Red DelicicvVous apple my recipe calls for. i threw some steamed green beans, raw golden bell peppers w/ roasted red pepper hummus, and blackberries on the side.

CYMERA_20150115_115335 after making those chocolate coconut pb cups the other day, i got to thinking about other layered desserts and those classic banana fudge bomb pops came to mind. i used to LOVE getting them from the ice cream truck when i was a kid.  so i went for a healthier, dairy-free version!  Chiso gobbled his up, so i count it as a success!  I'd love them to be a little creamier, so i'm going to add some Skinny Tru Whip to the batters before freezing next time. make and try them with your kiddos!

Dairy-free Banana Fudge Bomb Pops

the stuff:

banana layer

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cashew milk

fudge layer

do this:

  1. blend bananas and milk in blender until smooth
  2. add chocolate chips and milk to a microwave safe bowl and nuke it for 15 seconds at a time until chunks are completely melted. incorporate this together until smooth.
  3. add banana layer 1 to your popsicle trays filling them only 1/3 of the way full
  4. freeze for 15 minutes
  5. take out of freezer and add the chocolate layer, leaving room for banana layer 2 near the top
  6. freeze for 15 minutes
  7. take out of freezer and fill trays to the brim with banana layer 2. insert popsicle tops/sticks and put back into freezer for at least 1 hr or more.

* running hot water over the popsicle trays first helps them to pop out easier when you're ready to eat them by the way*


 feel free to make as many layers as you'd like!  more layers = more prep time though and your little one might keep asking 'is it ready yet!?'

IMG_35531the boys and i finally got to hang out with and take an #usie with this amazingly sweet woman this week!  Adaeze is a long-time blog follower of mine (like she has been there from THE jump), a former 6 Pack USA client, and a newlywed (woo hoo!). it was a true pleasure chatting with her!!! she has such a genuine, gentle spirit a big beautiful smile to go with it.  i'm grateful for all her support over the years <3

Q. what exercise do you HATE doing but feel so dang unstoppable when you finish?  


6 Pack USA @ HBU's Be Fit for Life Health Expo!

what a DAY!  we spent over half of our saturday at our very first event, the Be Fit For Life Health Expo hosted by Student Apprentice on the campus of Houston Baptist University.


it was an outstanding turnout- kids from ages 12-17 showed up and soaked in a ton of health and fitness info at each booth.


we taught the kids about effective fitness and nutrition, and about 6 Pack USA's role in helping people achieve their fitness goals.


this man was in his element and doin' what he looooooves to do- TALK :lol: 20130126_103859

Sonny and Brian gave demos on how to calculate lean body mass and body fat using a caliper.


and i proved that clean eating DOES taste good with my PB2 oatmeal carob chip cookies for the babies!


Congressman Al Green even stopped by to say a few encouraging words to the kiddos.


it was a pleasure meeting him!

 we also had some help from some great friends of ours- a huge thank you to Miko (r) the Zumba QUEEN for teaching a rockin' class! that girl can seriously MOVE.


these ladies are the BOMB!  Miko, Kara and Annette (r) volunteered their precious saturday to help 6 Pack USA make the biggest impact possible.


one last pic before wrappin' up the first part of the expo here.


Whole Foods was in the building teaching the kids about fresh, wholesome, all natural snacks and meal ideas,


while Annette was giving them a great workout, TKB style!  she is the best of the best!


Miko was workin' it out on the floor with her Zumba skills,


while Brian, Kara, and I ran drills in the gym and stressed the importance of daily physical activity.


done deal!

we are looking forward to growing, networking, and participating in more health and fitness events in our community, city, and beyond.  a final and gigantic THANK YOU to Denesha James and the entire Student Apprentice staff for allowing us to be apart of this amazing event.


after several weeks of planning, meetings, phone calls, and late nights prepping for this event, Sonny was ready to let loose!  Tornado burger style.


someone brought one to his office just last week and he says it smelled so good he wouldn't even LOOK in its direction. so, he wanted it to be his epic post-expo meal. notice i said HE!!! i wanted no parts of this lol. 20130126_160420

ok maybe a few fries.


are you kidding me...

i didn't IG this cause i didn't want to discourage my followers LOL.  but i said i would certainly blog it!  i did have a bite- i could NOT resist all that cheese, come on!  i saved my appetite for a little later though.


we take our date nights SERIOUSLY.  this is not a game.  the expo was behind us, and  since we were toddler-less for a few more hours, we sped home and got cleaned up for dinner.  the weather was absolutely outstanding, and a patio was calling our name.


i promise we planned to go somewhere different...

i had the Ruggles Green atlantic salmon salad with the dressing on the side,


and grilled fish tacos on corn tortillas for Sonny.  we could have at least ordered something different, right?


6 fingers up for 6 Pack USA!
