38 weeks - i should pack

 1 cm dilated celebration pose!


my OB checked me at my most recent visit yesterday aaaaaand, well, i'll take it.


one is better than zero, right?  right!  she then reminded me of some natural ways labor can be brought on, but my mom is not out for the Summer until this friday (she's a teacher) so we will hold off on those for the moment. lol.  we are in no rush anyway, seriously.

i have, however, finally start packing my hospital bag.


now that i have a bigger, better (cleaner) bag!


i found this J. J. Cole satchel bag in Babies R Us that caught my eye (and Chiso's apparently) so i rolled with it. this is my running list so far:

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and this is what i have going as of today:


in my bag:

  • slimming black nursing cami (Target, 22.99)

  • swaddle blankets

  • burp cloths

  • Odego's going home fit and extra onesies

  • car seat + head support

  • diapers & wipes

  • travel toiletries

 and the infant car seat is by the door!  currently researching double seated strollers... that would be smart.


 i may have very well taken my last Wednesday night Turbo Kickboxing class before Odego gets here... we'll see what happens!

Q: moms, what did you bring to the hospital that you should have left at home OR that you wish you would have brought with you?


8th month recap

group B-strep test is up next, guys.  HEY FIT FOODIES!  i'm gonna get in as much last minute preggo blogging as i can these last few weeks (or days, that's cool too).  my 8th month has whizzed on by



and i'm knocking on week 36 in like 2 days, praise God!


O_o :P   >:( :'( :| #flipacoin

early AM workout classes & breakfast:


so, getting up at 4:15am to teach my classes is only getting rougher.  but i'm hanging in there! that's my automatic answer for my gym members every time they ask me how baby and i are doing, lol.  that's really all i can say though, seriously.  sure i'd rather get those extra hours of sleep but i feel good after i get on up and most days and the urge to workout is still strong.

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mmhmmm, don't forget that. aim to move every single day, even if it's just walking around your hood.

i am asked how i am still doing HIIT training  this late in the game.  modifications! lighter dumbbells, monitoring my heart rate, using my knees instead of toes for pushups...just a few examples. see vid below!  plus i'm doing way more coaching/encouraging/motivating and 'working' the group exercise room more. the classes are NOT about me anyway- it's all about the members!  i'll do a quick demo of a high intensity/plyometric move though, then quickly modify it just so i can keep moving with the members.

[wpvideo lBg6kZRN]

 eating, on the other hand.... i know my appetite is flaky cause baby boy is growing rapidly and fattening up for his grand exit/entrance, but after breakfast and a small lunch (even after working out), i could honestly be done for the day.  the rest of my meals are pretty much forced since i'm still very active,  so WE need those cals and nutrients to keep coming. and they shall.  so i have my pre workout snack (usually banana w/ peanut butter) on the way to the gym, then tackle my real breakfast afterwards as usual.


here are some breakfasts i've been rotating (clockwise starting from the top L):

1. spinach, tomato, and mushroom scramble (1 whole egg, 2 egg whites) with strawberries and blueberries

2.  4 egg whites over a whole wheat english muffin & topped with homemade guacamole w/ blackberries & a halo

3. spinach & mushroom egg scramble taco (La Tortilla Factory 80 cal light low carb, high fiber flour tortilla) w/ shredded part-skim mozzarella & pineapple salsa w/ berries

4. plain greek yogurt with strawberries & blueberries and dribbled with maple syrup (also a great post-workout snack)


individual workouts & lunch/dinner:


i have been enjoying taking classes to the fullest these last few weeks!  why?

  1. i'm not up there teaching so i can stop at any time :P
  2.  i get ideas and inspiration for new moves i can use later in my own classes and just experiencing another instructor's style, music, and motivational sayings
  3.  group fitness is FUN and keeps me motivated!  i look forward to it. period.

i do a combo of the following every week:

  • TKB - turbo kickboxing
  • Zumba
  • Barbell Strength (Lifetime Fitness signature formatted class)
  • Step (don't knock it lol! keeps my heart rate nice and steady... great cardio workout vs. the boring treadmill and elliptical)
  • Weights - since i'm not lifting crazy heavy, i'll do a full body workout in one day most times using basic exercises for each muscle group. 3-4 sets of 12 does the trick. looking forward to getting back to my postpartum 6 Pack USA workouts though.



lunches and dinners (starting clockwise from top L):

  1. homemade Chipotle inspired salad (i cut the chicken into chunks and marinated it in Weber Kick n' Chicken seasoning blend)
  2. Kick n' Chicken pan seared chicken breast with pan roasted brussels sprouts and grilled pineapple
  3. pan seared whiting (cheaper than tilapia at Walmart right now so i gave it a try) grilled squash, and fresh coleslaw
  4. salmon & avocado deviled eggs sprinkled with sweet & smokey paprika and black pepper with raw sugar snap peas and sliced roma tomatoes on the side.


the bump and i will be walking down the aisle in my brother's wedding this weekend! can't wait to party and celebrate gaining another sister. fun times ahead. and cake.

-----> if you are preggo and need help with staying on track (or starting) a healthier workout and nutrition regiment for you and your little bundle-to-be, please check out www.pregnantnotpowerless.com and sign up!  even if you're not preggo but know a woman who is, please tell her about this awesome program created by one of my inspirations and fellow fit mom @babyfatboss on IG. follow herrrrrr! <------

6 Pack USA @ HBU's Be Fit for Life Health Expo!

what a DAY!  we spent over half of our saturday at our very first event, the Be Fit For Life Health Expo hosted by Student Apprentice on the campus of Houston Baptist University.


it was an outstanding turnout- kids from ages 12-17 showed up and soaked in a ton of health and fitness info at each booth.


we taught the kids about effective fitness and nutrition, and about 6 Pack USA's role in helping people achieve their fitness goals.


this man was in his element and doin' what he looooooves to do- TALK :lol: 20130126_103859

Sonny and Brian gave demos on how to calculate lean body mass and body fat using a caliper.


and i proved that clean eating DOES taste good with my PB2 oatmeal carob chip cookies for the babies!


Congressman Al Green even stopped by to say a few encouraging words to the kiddos.


it was a pleasure meeting him!

 we also had some help from some great friends of ours- a huge thank you to Miko (r) the Zumba QUEEN for teaching a rockin' class! that girl can seriously MOVE.


these ladies are the BOMB!  Miko, Kara and Annette (r) volunteered their precious saturday to help 6 Pack USA make the biggest impact possible.


one last pic before wrappin' up the first part of the expo here.


Whole Foods was in the building teaching the kids about fresh, wholesome, all natural snacks and meal ideas,


while Annette was giving them a great workout, TKB style!  she is the best of the best!


Miko was workin' it out on the floor with her Zumba skills,


while Brian, Kara, and I ran drills in the gym and stressed the importance of daily physical activity.


done deal!

we are looking forward to growing, networking, and participating in more health and fitness events in our community, city, and beyond.  a final and gigantic THANK YOU to Denesha James and the entire Student Apprentice staff for allowing us to be apart of this amazing event.


after several weeks of planning, meetings, phone calls, and late nights prepping for this event, Sonny was ready to let loose!  Tornado burger style.


someone brought one to his office just last week and he says it smelled so good he wouldn't even LOOK in its direction. so, he wanted it to be his epic post-expo meal. notice i said HE!!! i wanted no parts of this lol. 20130126_160420

ok maybe a few fries.


are you kidding me...

i didn't IG this cause i didn't want to discourage my followers LOL.  but i said i would certainly blog it!  i did have a bite- i could NOT resist all that cheese, come on!  i saved my appetite for a little later though.


we take our date nights SERIOUSLY.  this is not a game.  the expo was behind us, and  since we were toddler-less for a few more hours, we sped home and got cleaned up for dinner.  the weather was absolutely outstanding, and a patio was calling our name.


i promise we planned to go somewhere different...

i had the Ruggles Green atlantic salmon salad with the dressing on the side,


and grilled fish tacos on corn tortillas for Sonny.  we could have at least ordered something different, right?


6 fingers up for 6 Pack USA!
