welcome, fit foodies!
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🦒surviving the houston zoo (fit foodie le style!) #summer19
/now that the Fit Foodie Family 5K & Kids’ K 2019 is behind us, we’re squeezing in a few more field trips before school starts back up. we’ve got less than 2 weeks to go now😲!
thursday morning, i got up at 4:!5a as usual, trained my early morning clients, and got my day going with my own workout.
Read MoreBlueberry Muffin In A Glass💙
/let me show you just how versatile Quaker oats are! there are so many other ways to enjoy oats other than hot and in a bowl, yall.
Read MoreVegFest 2019 + Chicken Satay
/happy tuesday, peoplez!
be confident in the fact that once you do ALL that you can about a certain situation, God will do what you cannot. straight like that! I BELIEVE IT. do not allow your faith to be shaken!
sooooo… how was your weekend?
Read MoreEgwuatu Family Trip to Great Wolf Lodge + Summer Camp-In
/earlier this summer we road tripped to Grapevine, TX to Great Wolf Lodge and what a time we had! it was our very first time there but most definitely not our last.
GWL’s Summer Camp-In itinerary is bananas🍌 and designed to keep your kiddos entertained with major fun things to do from sun up to sun down (and then some!).
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